[Yoonkook] Love Made Me Crazy

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Yoongi looks back as he felt a light tap on his shoulder

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Yoongi looks back as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He frowned and sees a guy, who smiled at him and he looked drunk. The guy sat beside him.

"Uhm... Hello?" He says and the guy giggles.
"You know what hurts the most?" The guy says and Yoongi frowns.

"When the person you love uses you as a distraction for someone he hadn't moved on from yet... That's what happened to me today" The guy says, laughing but tears was falling down his cheeks.

"Why was I so stupid?" The guy says and Yoongi felt bad for him. Whoever this guy was, he's an asshole. Yoongi was about to tell him something when he sees that he had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, another guy appeared.
"Sorry, he's my friend" The person says and grabbed the sleeping guy.
"Come on, Jungkook ah... Let's get you home" The guy says before carrying the sleeping guy, who he now knows as Jungkook.

 Let's get you home" The guy says before carrying the sleeping guy, who he now knows as Jungkook

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