[Jinkook] Right In Front Of Our Kimchi

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Jungkook smiles and thanked Jin as he places down his plate in front of him

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Jungkook smiles and thanked Jin as he places down his plate in front of him.

The older smiled back at him and told the others to grab theirs.

"What? You gave Jungkook his but not us?" Yoongi says, raising his brow.

Hoseok chuckles, winking at the others, Yoongi didn't know yet.

"Just grab yours, Yoongs" Jin says and Yoongi huffs.

He stood up from his seat and went to grab his plate.

Walking back to his seat, he gasps as he sees Jungkook kiss Jin's cheek.

"So he answered you?!" Yoongi says and Jin chuckles, nodding.

"Hyung, not in front of our kimchi"

"Hyung, not in front of our kimchi"

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