[Hopekook] Awkward

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Jungkook looks around and yawns

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Jungkook looks around and yawns.

He was very tired and he needed to sit down.

He sees Hoseok, who's on his phone, sat on the ground.

He smiles and walked to the older, sitting down on the ground.

Hoseok looked at him, smiling.

Jungkook then laid down on Hoseok's lap, hugging his legs.

Hoseok looks at the others, who are looking at them with a smirk.

Hoseok rolls his eyes and covered Jungkook's eyes as the light was a bit bright.

"You guys go well with each other" Jimin says, winking.

"Leave us alone"

"Okay, love birds"

"Okay, love birds"

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