Chapter 8 - Sugar is sweet

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An uneasy feeling stirred deep inside my stomach. I was disturbed. On edge. It's quite unnerving.

This is not good at all.

We haven't had this kind of complications in a while. I found it odd. Something doesn't add up.

How did this happen? That was the fucking question swirling in everyone's mind.

Hacked... It's never happened before.

"I still can't believe it." Esteban muttered, still in shock. "The person was able to get through the built in fire walls and the complex passwords that I programmed into the computers. He must be a cyber criminal or something because... it's impossible."

I stared at the encrypted message flashing across the screen. It was in some kind of gibberish code.

"Can you decrypt that?" Nico asked.

Franco's phone rang through the dense atmosphere. He pulled the cellphone out of his pocket and checked the caller ID.

His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion before his fingers swiped across the screen.

"Yeah. That won't be a problem." Esteban said. He peered at the computer screen over the rim of his glasses and began to type on the keyboard.

"Blade." Franco tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I turned to face him with an annoyed expression.

"What?" I snapped.

Clearly, I wasn't in the mood for shit right now. We just got hacked. They probably have access to all our private data.

"Two of our warehouses just got ambushed by unknown men. They raided the place and gunned down few of our men but nothing important was stolen." Franco explained with a thoughtful look. "What exactly could be their motive?"

My body trembled with rage. My hand balled into tight fists that veins appeared along my forearm.

"It's a warning." I grunted.

"For what?" He inquired. The clacking sound of the keyboard echoed through the silence.

"I don't know, Franco. I have a terrible feeling about this. Something is about to happen." I said.

Nico flashed his dark brows at me but I don't pay attention to him or anyone else. My mind was running a million miles as to come up with the person behind this.

Honestly, I have no idea.

"Got it!" Esteban exclaimed. "I was able to decrypt the message and this is exactly what it says."

All eyes glanced at the screen. The message was in Japanese. Meaning; I don't have a fucking clue what it says. Damn.

"What the hell is that? Can't you run it into some kind of translator thingy or whatever you nerds call it." Franco vented out in frustration.

Nico rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarette pack from his pocket. He took one out of it and lit it up.

"It's called a language translator." Esteban muttered. His fingers moved swiftly across the keyboard and something popped up on the screen.


It said in bold letters.

"What does that mean? Could it be a clue?" Nico asked, blowing out a puff of smoke from his mouth and nose. Esteban cringed and waved his hands in the air to rid himself of the cloud of smoke that gathered around him.

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