Chapter 42 - Not impressed

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The steam of the freshly brewed coffee hit my nostrils as I take out two ceramic mugs from the cabinet and placed them on the kitchen island. Turning off the stove, I used a dishware to grab onto the handle of the frying pan and removed the fried eggs with a spatula, placing it on the plate next to the French toast.

I slid it over to Camilla, seated by the counter, and handed her a fork. She flashed me a smile of gratitude and pushed back a stray of curly brown hair behind her ear, letting out an exhausted sigh, she returned back to typing on her laptop.

"You need a break from work, Cam. You've been on that laptop for the past three hours. Eat something or rather, just go outside and take a breath of fresh air," I suggested, cleaning up the slight mess from the breakfast I just prepared, "Don't work yourself to death. That's something that kills a lot of workaholic this days."

Camilla peered at me from her laptop screen and muttered with a huff, "I am not a workaholic, Sienna. I guess I just love my work too much to dedicate all my time to it," She shrugged noncommittally and added, "Being a well known lawyer comes with its perks. Just the thought of getting back to the courtroom for another case makes me feel alive and thrilled."

Letting out a sigh, I poured the coffee into the mugs and sat on the stool across from her, placing it next to her untouched breakfast. I took a sip from my mug and told her the facts, "But you're neglecting your kids and husband. That's a very bad sign, Cam. Things like this can create a very big gap in your marital home. It tends to ruin family's relationships."

I wasn't one to pry into someone else's marriage. I found it disrespectful. If a husband and his wife had issues, they are required to sort it out amongst themselves for the good of the family. Right now, I was doing the opposite. I loved Camilla as my sister and seeing her marriage fall apart left a twinge of pain in my chest.

"I hate to admit it, Sienna, but you're right." Camilla admitted, taking small sips of her coffee, "I let myself be consumed by work so I wouldn't let myself grieve. It has affected me to the point that I haven't been grateful for the present."

I clasped the warm mug between my hands and crossed my leg over the other, "It's okay to grieve, Cam. Your mom died two years ago. It takes more than that to embrace the pain of loosing her and never seeing her again. I completely understand you."

With teary eyes, she stared out the opened French doors, watching our children play by the pool. Their laughter and voices could be heard. It made the corner of her lips to tilt up just the slightest bit. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Leo and Nora arguing, yet again. Leo said something to her that made her frown and before she could retort, he jumped into the pool, splashing water on her in the process.

"I also felt that way when Chiara died. She meant a lot to me and loosing her was very painful to bear. Everyday, I wished that I was the one who died and not her," I whispered, swallowing hard to keep the dread away from my tone, "But I just learnt to accept it even if it was hard. When Layla died was the worst of it all. It felt my soul was ripped into shreds. I couldn't breathe, neither think nor function properly. It was the most horrible and depressing moment of my life."

"How did you cope with it?" Her soft voice slowly muttered.

"I just had to accept the fact that they weren't ever gonna come back and cherish their memories for as long as I live," I said with a small smile and sipped my coffee, "Blade was really supportive. He helped me get through it all. His presence was comforting and it made me feel alive again. The pain will never go away. It just shows how much you love them. Besides, Chiara wouldn't want me to cry over her for the rest of my life. If she was here with me right now, she would say, suck it up and be a proud bitch. Fuck your man, enjoy life. Don't let any woman take him away from you. Life's too short for meaningless shit."

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