122. 1+1+1=A Problem

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One Hour Later
New York Sanctum

"So it was a corrupt spell?" I asked for clarification as I stood in the basement along with Tony, Strange, Nat, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Yelena, Kate, Shuri, Ned, MJ, Peter, Wanda, and Pietro.

"That's correct." Strange sighed.

"And that spell was?" Tony asked.

"The Runes of Kof-Kol it's a spell used to erase a person's memory but it's a very temperamental spell. Even the slightest mistake can mess it up. I was practicing when Peter came down here asking if there was a way to make people forget his identity had been revealed and-"

"Then I started talking about wanting you guys to remember because you know, it would totally suck if you forgot who I was." Peter interrupted.

"Right. And by this point I had to contain the spell so I locked it in here and told them not to touch the box." Strange added glaring in Peter, Ned, and Pietro's direction.

"It was an accident." They exclaimed in unison.

"Wait, when you say even the slightest thing could mess it up. Would that include what they were talking about when they knocked it over?" Wands asked.

"Yes, why? What we're they talking about?" Strange asked.

"Well Peter's identity. Then-"

"I mentioned something about how maybe Effy could help us." Peter said interrupting Pietro.

"Right and then I said we'd probably need more than just one Persefoni to fix something like that." Ned muttered and everyone looked at me.

"Don't look at me like that. Different spectrums of magic. Look at him, I am way out of my element here." I muttered pointing to Strange.

"But there's like a possibility that nothing went wrong though... right?" Kate asked hopefully.

"Nah, we don't have that kind of luck." MJ denied with a smile.

"Yes, thank you Michelle for your usual optimism. Really, I do not know what we'd do with out it." Tony muttered sarcastically.

"Cool, happy to help Anthony." She replied with the same amount of sarcasm.

"Will you two stop that? We have bigger things to worry about. The boy broke the magic white man's box and now we have to figure out what it did. This... this is why I never leave my lab." Shuri sighed running her hands down her face in irritation.

"All I know is if multiple people who look like me start falling from the sky I'm going to scream." I mumbled shaking my head a the thought.

"That can happen?!" Peter exclaimed nervously.


Later That Day

I was sitting in the coffee shop where MJ worked with MJ, Kate, and Shuri while we waited for Ned and Peter to show up.

"Hey, Effy isn't that your stepdad?" MJ asked pointing over to the two people were leaning against the counter.

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