Din Dijarin

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"Mando?" I pull down my mask and hood and remove my jacket "Mando?" he appears from his quarters with no armour apart from his helmet and a bandaged wrapped around his waist tightly and the kid cooing in his arms "How is your side?" he shrugs placing the kid down gently "Nothing serious." 

"Mando?" he turns "Its fine. You should have left.  You could have been killed. I am not worth your life." I scowl crossing my arms "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I wasn't about to leave you when I knew I could help. Don't you ever say you are not worth it. I lost one family, I will not lose another!" I glare at the stoic warrior in front of me "I told you I wasn't leaving and I meant it." 

He takes a step froward and I one back shaking slightly "Mando?" 
"Din." I blink lowering my arms "What?" he steps closer "My name, its Din. Din Dijarin." I freeze as he stops just in front of me "Din?" he tilts his head slightly "You deserve to know Cyar'ika." I open and close my mouth a few times making him chuckle "I am glad you didn't leave." I smile my mind finally catching up with itself "I'm not going anywhere, Din." I wrap my arms around him gently so I don't touch his injured side "Thank you for telling me." he chuckles brushing a stray piece of hair out of my face "No problem cyar'ika. Although I still don't know you last name." 

I laugh "Fett. My last name is Fett." The kid appears at our feet cooing and reaching up, I scoop him up in my arms smiling gently "Feeling left out kiddo?" he giggles and Mando sighs tickling his cheek "I'll be in the cockpit." he turns and walks hastily over to the ladder dissapering up a moment later the engines rumbling to life.

Humming to myself I put the kid back in his pod before going into the fresher to shower and change into something clean. The kid is asleep when I check on him but I bring the pod up to the cockpit sitting next to mand...Din. "We're going to Sorgan. Greef has offered a deal, help him rid Nevarro of the impiral soldiers that have taken over and he will clear you and the kid." I shake my head dread pooling in my stomach "Din it could be a trap." 

"I don't think so. But I want help. Cara will give us more fire power and we will need someone to watch the kid. Kuill I think." I must look shocked as he turns in his seat leaning his elbows on his knees "Y/N please. We can't run forever, if there is the slightest chance it will be worth. They will keep sending hunters." I glance down at the kid dozing in his nest "Alright. Fine. But you are not leaving me on the ship." he chuckles turning back around "This time I agree."

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