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Moving down into the belly of the ship I start making a list of everything that needs fixing. Lifting one of the floor panels I jump down ducking under wires to reach the main control panel a few sparks flying out. I sigh patting the walls of the ship "You've stayed together this long." Soft coos make me jump and I turn to find Grogu with his head stuck down the hole in the floor. I chuckle and walk over standing up straight so my head and shoulders are level with him "You stay up here kiddo. Too many dangers down there." he coos in response reaching for a nearby wire. I roll my eyes pulling myself up before taking him in my arms "Alright trouble lets find something for you too do." 

I find the clicker toy that I made for him and hand it over. He takes it happily clicking the buttons and fiddling with the switches. I place him in his pod while I start tidying crates before opening the weapons cabinet surveying the contents. Could do with some more charges and I know I have a few parts left over from the last batch. Sitting on the floor I gather the correct materials and soldering iron. Grogu watches from his pod toy forgotten as he follows my movements. 

"Landing shortly." Mandos voice echoes down from the cockpit. I brace myself jolting slightly when the ship touches down, though definetly one of the smoother landings. Standing I open the hatch, Peli appears grinning broadly "Your back, wheres the wamp rat? You still got him right?" I laugh and Grogu waddles down the ramp. Peli grins picking him up "There you are. They been taking care of you?" he blinks up at her smiling which she takes as a yes "Good good. What can I do for ya?" 

I sigh "I haven't been able to do a full scan of the ship in maker knows how long, then there is some basic matinance." she nods knowingly "It's going to cost ya." Din appears rifle slung over his shoulder "Understood. There are always jobs going around here. I'll be back soon meshla." 

"Stay out of trouble." he nods once before leaving the landing dock, pausing to saying bye to Grogu. "Still got the spare armour. Thought you would have sold it." I glance at the stack of green Mandalorian armour we got last time we are here. I threw a sheet over it a while back but I guess it came loose as it is now flapping gently in the wind the battered green helmet bringing memories to the surface I've been trying to forget. I shrug turning away "Mandalorian armour is sacred to mandalorians." Peli shrugs "Ah well lets get these repairs started." she yells at her droids to get the generator started for the scanner the kid still in her arms. 

I change into my overalls and grab my welding goggles hanging them around my neck before joining Peli outside waiting for the droids to finish with the scanner. We both jump when the whole thing starts sparking "Power surge." It pops and splutters smoke pouring out of the engine. Coughing Peli approaches "Piece of shit. Alright come on try again." She turns to me "Out the back is the energy panel can you check the three blue switches are up and the orange is in the middle?" I chuckle and exit the landing dock walking around to the back of the complex.

The sun is hot and I quicken my pace to get back into the shade the landing dock provides. Finding the panel I check the switches finding them all in the wrong place. Correcting them I turn to walk back pausing when I spot a ship sat on a hill infront of the blaring sun. I cannot make out any details but the outline, it looks just like Boba's ship. The Slave I but that is impossible. I blink hard and spot a figure standing just of to one side, for a split second I believe it is my brother armour in tact. 

Shaking my head I curse myself for being so stupid. He's gone. His armour is on the Razor Crest. He's gone. Blaming the heat I walk back into the hanger, I've never really believed in ghosts. It must have just been a trick of the light that's all it was, a trick of the light. After all there is no such thing as ghosts. 

Din appears about midday and pulls me over to one side "I got a job. Its a quick bounty, won't take longer than a day." I smile slightly "You want me to stay here don't you?" He shrugs and I can hear the smile in his voice "I know better than that by now mesh'la. I know you are fully capable of taking care of yourself but can't blame me for wanting to keep my family safe." I grin pressing my forehead to his "I'll stay. Not for your peace of mind but because the ship is in desperate need of attention and as much as I trust Peli..." he nods tilting his head slightly "Are you feeling alright mesh'la?"

I nod "Why?" he shrugs "Something just seems off? Perhaps you've been in the sun too long." I smile softly "I promise I'm alright." he nods but must still be skeptical as he doesn't move. I sigh "I just saw something strange in the distance. It was just a trick of the light is all. Come on I'm hungry." Taking the kid from Peli we walk to the canteena just down the road taking a seat in one of the back corners. 

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