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Din P/O/V:

Carrying the kid on my hip I smile slightly at his little antics. He doesn't stop babbling and though I may not understand I think he's talking about the water and the bubbles he was playing with. We come across a small grove full of fruit trees and I put down the basket I have been carrying and start loading it with apples,oranges, strawberries and a few other berries which I know are edible but don't know the names off. 

The kid sits next to the basket taking out strawberries which he eats happily getting juice all over his face and hands. I chuckle "We're suppose to be collecting fruit not eating it all." Once the basket is full I scoop up the kid and hoist the basket over one shoulder starting back to the ship. Yawning the kids eyes flutter shut, I adjust my grip so his head is leaning against my chest. 

Y/N has there back to us sitting in the shallows. Placing the basket of fruit down, I put the kid safely back in his podd before joining Y/N by the water crouching down on the shore. "Are you coming in?" I shake my head slightly smiling when they start pleading with their eyes "No." 

They turn "Come on. One swim won't kill you." I sigh standing "We don't know if we're safe here." They stand crossing their arms "Din we have all our sensors on, no one is around. We're safe for now. Just come for a swim, please." I could already feel my barriers melting when they said my name smiling but the final please tips me over the edge. I start removing my armour leaving it on the bank in a neat pile with my blaster on top ready for an emergency. Y/N grins and swims back into deeper water while I lower myself into the shallows. 

Your P/O/V:

Grinning I swim around while Din strides into deeper water until it goes just over his hips "Happy now?" I nod splashing him "Yep." he chuckles grabbing my arm and pulling me into his chest strong arms looping around my stomach making me yelp "Meshla." I turn so we are face to face and wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist "Yes?"

"I love you, I hope you know that." I blush and tighten my grip pressing my forehead to his "I love you too Din." he grins one hand cupping the back of my head drawing me closer lips pressing against mine gently. "I will thank the stars for eternity that I was lucky enough to find you." I feel my blush deepening and pepper his face with kisses "Handsome, kind, strong, beautiful smile, makes me feel safe and happy. I think I am the lucky one." This time his face colours slightly making pride glow in my chest "Did I make the stoic Mandalorian blush?" he laughs and leans forward sending us both tumbling into the water.

Laughing and spluttering I come back to the surface shoving Din in the chest making him stumble backwards. I swim away before he can retaliate trying to pull myself out onto the bank when he appears behind me pulling me back into his chest "Where do you think you're going?" I wiggle free and dive under the water swimming back to the other side of the pond sitting in the shallows laughing while Din swims over slowly caging me against the bank "Your beautiful." his lips press against mine one hand resting on my hip "Stunning." another kiss "Kind. Considerate. Strong. Thoughtful. Intelligent. And I love everything about you." 

Scrambling for words I stare at him gaping like a fish while he smirks chuckling "I think I win Meshla." I slap his chest weakly and roll my eyes before leaning forward to kiss him "Whatever tin can." he snorts sitting and pulling me into his lap "Love you too Y/N."

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