(RECAP) Chapter 2: Parts and Bad Services

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Sun's POV:

I reach Parts and Services and, reluctantly, open the door. The metal door slides out of the way with the push of a button and I walk in. The room is engulfed in a bright light that I have to shield my eyes from in order to not blind myself and have another reason to be taken apart.

One of the mechanics spots me and brings me to one of the operation tables where, if I'm lucky, they'll just test to see if my joints and programming are still working correctly. Whenever they test my AI is the only time when I have to be shut off, but when I ask why they just say that they can't tell me or change the subject.

The mechanic leaves and through the glass around the protective dome I spot Moon being brought to a separate dome for his own check-up for the same reason. He seems even more irritated than I do, but he usually does about everything. He notices me staring through the glass and a tiny smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he waves at me. I smile back and wave as well. 

Then he's brought out of my line of sight again...

Another mechanic by the name of Ali enters the dome, I recognized her immediately.

"Ready for another check-up, Sunny?" She asks. I nod, Ali is one of the few mechanics that are actually friendly with the animatronics. Only a few of the employees at the plex have been working for Fazbear Entertainment for years, due to the reoccurring accidents and the reputation it's built with the public over the decades. Which means the rest are either teenagers looking to make some extra money, or adults that applied for the job but can't leave because of the contract they signed at the beginning or can't afford leaving.

"Good. Now let's start with some simple movements to make sure your gears aren't jammed," She says. As I move my joints just like she instructs me to, she asks me some questions. "Have you experienced any pain anywhere while completing daily tasks like bending over, walking, or picking things up? What about an impairment of memory; can you tell me what you remember from the past week?" She shoots question after question.

"Um, no? Though my rays are still a bit sore from when that kid tried to yank one out. As for what happened this week, hmmm...Well I did finger painting with the children and Moon, although he got quite upset when a jar of paint was spilt on him," I can't help but chuckle at the memory, "Then there was that angry parent during naptime, the play that the children practically begged me and Moon to act out, Moon's wire almost snapped, the Glamrocks visited us and the kids were absolutely thrilled, aaanndd that's about it!" 

Well I did finger painting with the children and Moon, although he got quite upset when a jar of paint was spilt on him," I can't help but chuckle at the memory, "Then there was that angry parent during naptime, the play that the children practica...

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(Art by: RaineYippee)

(A/N: The picture is an example of what happened in the daycare prior to the check-up.)

(Thanks Raine for making this work of art for me! I'm glad you took the time to do so since I'm not exactly the best artist around-)

Ali took a look at her clipboard, "Yeah that checks out with the daycare security footage. Do you remember the Mapbot getting stuck in the daycare?" At first I don't know what she's talking about then it hits me, "Oh, yes! That was so chaotic! The kids were out of control and were trying to ride on the Mapbot's shoulders, stole its hat, and even took all of its maps just to confuse it. You should've seen it, Moon and I were all over the place trying to get everything back to normal."

She scribbles something down on her clipboard, "Well that gives enough proof that your memory files are still in check. That's enough stretching Sunny, you can sit back down now." 

I realize I'm still doing stretches for mobility check and stop. These check-ups are so often that I've memorized the steps for each one and all in the order Ali asks me to do them. I sit down knowing what's coming next is the AI test.


"Yes Sunny?" She responds without looking up from her clipboard. I look down and fidget with my hands, "Why- Why do you have to turn me off to test my AI? Why can't I just stay on?" Being shut down is like temporarily dying-everything stops working and you can't fight it either-which is why I try to avoid it as much as possible. It doesn't hurt, but the idea of never being powered back on is frightening.  

Ali sighs and sets down her clipboard, she still doesn't look at me when she speaks, "Oh, Sunny, if I could tell you I would. You know I can't."

"I-I promise not to cause any trouble, I'll go along with whatever y-you what me to! Just please don't shut me off..." At this point I'm up again and holding onto her shoulders, begging.

Her face flashes an expression of fear and I immediately notice how roughly I'm holding onto her. I let go and retreat into the corner, afraid I might've broken something. "I-I'm so sorry- I didn't-..." I stutter. Ali rubs her shoulder and winces slightly, I feel even worse so my rays contract more into my face plates. "I'll let you shut me off..."

I say it so quietly that Ali almost doesn't hear me say it. Her expression softens as she approaches me and reaches behind my head to gently pull the plug to shut off my consciousness. 

Everything fades to black...


GjIashiwhD- YUS ANOTHER CHAPTER IS DONEEEE- I'll keep working to finish the recap chapters so I can start making the rest of the story!

-See you in the next one,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now