Chapter 48: An Eclipse Case (Part 3)

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Tw: Eclipse, back to the present, nooo Moon don't die :[

At this point I'm putting literally anything as the chapter "art"


(Sun's POV)

I sat in Bloody's arms with my back against his chest as we listened to the story that Ivy explained to us. She went on to say that she didn't know what exactly happened to Eclipse that made him so cold and calloused, but that it ended with his decommission.

"He was so full of himself at the end..." Ivy mumbled, shaking her head, "I feel bad for Lunar...He- He couldn't remember much of Eclipse when we had to fix him up.." She sighed, "He'd taken a harsh blow to the head once from Eclipse and a lot of his memories couldn't be saved..."

I knew Eclipse was a monster and was cruel, but I didn't think he'd go so far as to hurt someone like Lunar...

"So-...What's going to happen now-?" I asked suddenly, "He- Eclipse...He's been haunting me...I can feel his code growing in me.." I shuddered, "I want him out."
Ivy thought for a moment, before answering, "I could try to separate his code from yours, but I can't promise that there won't be side effects.."
I perked up at the mention of separation from Eclipse, "Wait- Really-? You can do that-?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Ivy held a hand up to stop me from getting too hopeful, "You need to know the risks first. You could potentially lose a lot of memories like Lunar did, since I'm sure Eclipse has done more than set his roots into your code. Not to mention that it'd be extremely painful for the both of you. I'm fine with Eclipse being in excruciating pain--he deserves it more than you'd believe--but you-? You could shut down, and with both daycare attendants offline, that'd leave Bloody and Lunar to take care of the daycare on your own. Lunar shouldn't be left with that much responsibility again, he'd have a relapse, and Bloody isn't even allowed near the children lest parents complain to us again about 'fixing' him."

I started to open my mouth to protest, too desperate to get Eclipse gone, that I almost forgot about Moon. If they managed to get him up and working again, and I wasn't there to greet him when he did...
I couldn't.

"Sun, I think she's right.."
I looked up to see Bloody staring down at me worriedly. I'd forgotten he was here-
He glanced between me and Moon, who was lying still on an operating table in the protective dome, and mumbled, "Maybe we should at least wait until Moon's okay..."

I looked away to avoid his gaze, staring down at my hands. They were shaking as I started to tear up. "Bloody, you don't understand..." I whispered, voice breaking near the end, "He's not going to be okay...Weren't you listening to Ali-? She- She said that he was going to be-" I shook my head as I almost gagged. I couldn't say it.

"I'll fix him," Ivy hummed, slipping off of the workstation table and strapping on some gloves, "This isn't the first time I've dealt with something like this. I'll have him back online in a week or two, tops."
I perked up and stared over at Ivy in shock, "You- You'd really do that-?" I felt my eyes water even more, a few tears rolling down my cheek, "I- Thank you..."

"It's no problem," Ivy hummed, shaking her head as she tightened her loose bun, "Really. You need to rest and get yourself together." She went into the protective dome where Moon was, and I could hear her mumble under her breath, barely loud enough for me to hear, "He's just like Eclipse.."

I froze at hearing that, a shudder going down my spine and chilling me to the very core.
Just- Just like Eclipse-? Me-?
I shook my head, clearing my head. No- No. She wasn't talking about me, definitely not...Right-? I mean, I'm nothing like Eclipse-! We're practically polar opposites!
Yeah...Yeah. I'm not like Eclipse at all!
..Then who was she talking about-?


I shook my head, pushing the thought away. Whatever. Nevermind. She was probably just muttering to herself and it didn't come out right! That's right! It didn't mean anything!

I took a deep breath and steeled myself, calming my nerves. Moon was gonna be fine now...Ivy said so, and I was sure of it...
I should probably go back to the daycare..

"..Sun-?" Bloody said softly, trying to get my attention.
Oh. Right. Him.
I sighed and looked up to meet his gaze, still sitting in his lap, nestled in two of his arms as his other two pet my head soothingly and rubbed my side up and down in featherlight touches. "Yes, Bloody-?" I asked softly with a sigh.

"We should probably go home-" He mumbled, glancing between Ivy, who had already gotten to work, and me, tentatively running his hand over my head in slow, smooth strokes, "Is it alright if I carry you-?"

I hesitated for a moment before nodding with a sigh. I squeaked in surprise when I was suddenly scooped up into Bloody's arms, looking up at him to see that he had a sweet, almost nervous, smile on his face. He started to carry me back to the daycare, careful not to jostle me around or drop me by accident.

Faz, he was sweet...I could fall in love with him like this, but-...

Bloody carried me into the daycare and gently set me down once we were inside, shutting the double doors behind us. He turned to me and opened his mouth to say something, but paused as he looked up. I glanced over my shoulder to see Lunar running towards us.

"Sun! Bloody!" Lunar called, skidding to a stop in front of us, "Some guy stopped by the daycare and told me to give this to you!" He held out one of those orange medicine capsules, but the label was missing. Lunar looked a bit concerned, "They said it's supposed to help you sleep better...I told them that we don't need it and we have the Moondrops, but he insisted and made me keep it and left!"
Lunar shook the capsule a bit, staring at it curiously, "What do you think it is? What should we do with it?"

"Give it to me," I huffed, taking it from Lunar, "It's probably some kind of drug that makes you pass out cold...Don't eat any of these, it could make you sick." I sighed and pocketed it, planning on just throwing it away later, "Lunar, you should know better than to take things from strangers..Especially things like medicine and anything you're supposed to eat..."

Lunar huffed and crossed his arms with a small pout, "I know that! I tried to give it back but he just left!" He furrowed his eyebrows, "I wasn't gonna eat it! I just-"
"Lunar, stop talking." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a migraine start to form, "I can't deal with your whining right now. There's just- Too much going on right now for this." Faz, how could someone who could act so mature be so childish at the same time?
Lunar just faltered at that, falling silent. "Sorry.." He mumbled, looking away.

Great, now I felt bad for making Lunar upset. I need a break..
"Lunar, no, I'm sorry," I sighed, softening my features, "I didn't mean to snap...I'm just a bit overwhelmed and tired right now..."

I looked up as I felt two hands be placed on my shoulders and give them a light squeeze. Bloody looked down at me worriedly, speaking quietly, "You should go rest soon...You're getting irritated really quickly..."
"Bloody, I'm fine," I brushed his hands off of my shoulders, "I just- I need to be alone for a bit."

"I'm going to my room. Don't follow me."
"Alright...Goodnight, Sunflower.."


My eyes hurt.

-Still Jackie :|

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now