Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Look at this emo cheese dude that a bunch of people simp for- 

Now for chapter :)


(Moon's POV)

We stopped abruptly, Sun opening his mouth to answer. He suddenly clutched his head with one hand and with the other he held onto me for support. He was shaking violently.

"Holy- Sun!" He started to collapse and I had to catch him so he wouldn't hit the floor. "Sun! Stay with me!"

He went limp and I didn't hesitate for a second to pick him up bridal style and rush him to P&S.


I paced across the main part of P&S. 'Ohh god I hope he's alright...' I sat myself down on a nearby bench, head in my hands. 

A security guard came through the metal door separating the main part of P&S from the rest and I jumped up, "Well? Is he going to be okay?!" The guard nodded, "He's gonna be just fine, it was only a technical failure."

"O-Only a technical failure..." I repeated to myself, sitting back down. 

The guard turned to head back, "We'll have him all fixed up by tomorrow."

'He's gonna be fine...Just breathe and calm down, Moon.' 


"Moon...? Hey, wake up!" 

I sat upright, blinking my eyes, "H-Huh- What's goin on?" I looked around, I'm still in P&S. 'Must've fallen asleep.'

"It's 4 in the morning Moon! Did you really wait here the whole time I was being repaired?" I look up to realize who was standing in front of me. "S-Sun! Oh thank the stars you're alright!" I exclaim and pull him into a hug.

I let him go and place my hands on his shoulders, "But what happened? Why did you faint?" He just shrugs, "I guess it was just a short circuit? The guards refused to tell me anything..."

He sighed, "Whatever, let's go home; we have work later." 


(3rd person POV)

Since then, things were always different. Not by so much that it was completely noticeable, but people noticed. Sun was always short of breath and less energetic, which was very unlike him.

With Sun's newfound "condition" as he put it, Moon would always be by Sun's side, never leaving even for a second, in case of another incident like the one that caused all of this. He was always worried for his Sunshine, hovering around Sun asking if he was alright and offering to do things for him.

"I'm FINE, Moon!" Sun yelled. He was stacking boxes of snacks in the supply closet, Moon lingering nearby. "Are you sure Sunshine? Maybe I should help with that-" Moon reached for the box Sun was holding but Sun slapped his hand. He winced.

"I told you, I can handle it! I don't need your help!" Moon shuffled in place as he watched Sun head to the closet, then he jogged up behind him, "I know, I know. I'm sorry...It's just that, with your 'condition'-"

Sun spun around, anger flashing in his eyes. "I DON'T HAVE ANY 'CONDITION'! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! YOU'RE JUST BEING- YOU'RE PARANOID IS WHAT YOU ARE!" He snapped, not worried if he might hurt Moon with the words he'd said. 

Some children and passerby stopped and turned to see what all the commotion was.  

Moon was taken aback by the sharpness of the tone in Sun's voice, "Yet you're always tired and drained! I'm just trying to look out for you!" 

"Ever since that stupid malfunction you've been all over me! 'Oh Sunny, you shouldn't do this! You shouldn't do that! Let me do this for you since you're obviously incapable of handling anything for yourself!' is all I ever hear from you now!" Sun mocked Moon's words with a deathly glare.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so worried if you actually told me what's wrong! Even when you do need help you refuse to accept any!" Moon retaliated.

Sun rolled his eyes and went back to restocking snacks, "Nothing's wrong, so I don't need to ask for help!"

"Then why do I hear you crying in your sleep?"

Sun stopped in his tracks. 

"You can't deny that you've been having nightmares, but every time I ask you what they're about you ignore me and change the subject." 

He put the crate down and shut the door to the supply closet. "I'm done with this conversation." 

As he went up the stairs to his room he could hear Moon yelling after him. "There you go again! Avoiding the subject!" He fought back tears until he got to his room and shut the door.

Sun threw himself onto the bed, crying silently into a pillow. He wasn't sad, no, he was angry. So incredibly angry at Moon for revealing that secret for all to hear that he just felt the need to cry. 

"I hate him...I hate him so much..." Sun teared up even more at his words. His heart felt as if it was crying, too, for who could hate someone they've loved so much their entire life? (A/N: Someone PLEASE get the reference-)

Meanwhile Moon sat at the security desk feeling guilty. 'I really shouldn't have said that...' He thought. A child walked up to him, "Mr. Moon, why were you and Mr. Sun fighting and yelling at each other?"

Moon patted them on the head, ruffling their hair, "We can't seem to agree on some personal things, so we started to argue. I'm very sorry you had to witness that, starshine."

"You said he was having nightmares. Can't you just make them go away like you do for us?" They asked.

"If only it were that easy..."


Shablam! Another chapter done :P

Not much to say so I'll just leave it at that-

-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now