Chapter 52: An Unwelcome Guest

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Tw: Swearing, VIDEO HAS DISTURBING IMAGERY, Eclipse, lore, mentions of death + sh

(Sun's POV)

"You miss him, don't you?"

I jolted as I heard Eclipse's voice right next to me, head snapping around to see that ghost-wisp-like version of him. He didn't have eyes, but I could feel him staring at me.

I flung the pillow I was holding at the wisp, scrambling backward on the bed to get away from him. The pillow just phased straight through him, causing his wisp-y body to glitch and evaporate for a moment, before he reappeared right behind me.

I practically jumped right out of my skin as I felt him place his cold hands on my shoulders, gripping onto them tightly. His voice came out all distorted and uncanny, sending shivers down my spine as he spoke into my ear. "So jittery and scared..." He chuckled lowly, "It's amusing."

I quickly swatted him away, eyes wide and heart racing as I turned towards him. "How are you here-?!" I breathed, terrified.

"Oh, no," He just chuckled, malicious grin spreading across his face as he spoke, "I'm not. I'm practically a hallucination in this state." He leaned close, to which I attempted to scramble backward on the bed to get away from him. "The best part about it? No one's gonna believe you."


His grin turned into a crooked smile, letting out a staticky, derogatory laugh as he pulled away. He stayed stationary in the air. "Oh, you should just see your face! It's priceless!"

Suddenly, he jolted and stopped laughing, clutching the brim of his head with a pained sound. "Fuck-! Alright, alright- I'll get to the point dammit!" He growled to himself, smile falling.
He turned back to me, "Eclipse wants to gloat about his 'victory' or whatever...I'm going to let him host."

"..You- Aren't you Eclipse-?" I asked, confused. All of this was making my head spin...Was I still dreaming-?

The wisp paused for a moment, before shaking his head. "I am in a sort of way-? I wouldn't exist without Eclipse, and we share the same body, but we aren't the same person," He shrugged, "He dons the name 'Eclipse', and I prefer 'Wisp'."

Wisp blinked, snapping back to attention. "But that's besides the point! I don't have to explain myself to you!" He snapped, and if he had eyes I'm pretty sure he would've rolled them, "I'm going to let Eclipse take control, so be prepared for his narcissistic ass."

I watched as he froze for a moment, seemingly zoned out as his smile faltered to a soft frown. A moment later, his wisp-like body shifted to shape into something less- Well, wisp-y, and took the appearance of the Eclipse I could recognize. He had eyes now, gaze piercing.

"Hello, Sun."

His voice dripped with venom as he spoke, planting his feet on the ground. His malicious smile appeared again, stepping towards me, "I see you've met my counterpart. Formally, this time." I scooted further onto the bed to get as far away from him, up until my back was pressed against the wall.

"Aww, still scared of me, I see," Eclipse stopped at the edge of the bed, towering over it, "Wasn't expecting to see me again so soon after a nightmare, were you?" He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, placing a finger on his chin as he was in faux thought, "Oh, wait. You didn't have a nightmare this time! Wonder how that happened.."

"You made me have that dream!" I snapped, tears coming to my eyes as I shook with fury and fear, "You're sick! You're a sick, twisted bastard for playing that kind of trick!"

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now