Chapter 42: Complicated

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Tw: Swearing, Eclipse, hurt Bloody :(((

(Sun's POV)

I awoke the next morning and sat up with a groan, rubbing my tired eyes. Fuck...My head hurt..At least it was an off day...
I looked to my side and my eyes widened when I saw an empty space where Moon was, the blankets falling off his side of the bed. Now fully awake, I threw the covers off and jumped up to rush out and make sure he was okay.

I hadn't even made it halfway to the door when I tripped over my charging cord, and fell forward onto the cold, hard wood floor. I winced in pain as I pushed myself up, untangling myself from the wire mess, before bolting for the door once more.

Practically jumping down the stairs, I anxiously glanced around the daycare for a glimpse of Moon. I quickly spotted him off to the side and a wave of relief washed over me as I saw that he was okay. He still wore the bandages around his arms from the night before, but-
Oh no.

He stared down at Bloody--still powered off and lifeless--and had his arms crossed, tense. I rushed over to him, slowing to a walk as I got closer. 
"..Moon..?" I called softly, almost hoping he wouldn't hear.

"What happened..?" He whispered, still staring at Bloody. He gripped onto his arms, already picking at the bandages as they were a bit frayed and torn slightly.
"Moony, I-"

"Eclipse happened."

My attention snapped over to Lunar, who had been sitting next to Bloody.
"I wanted to wait until the both of you were awake to explain..." He looked between the three of us, "I'm sorry if I frustrated you, Mr. Sun....I just wanted to make sure Bloody was okay before I answered your questions.."

I sighed and shook my head, "It- It's fine..." I was far too used to not getting what I wanted at this point. I just wanted things to go back to normal...Back when things made sense and everything was perfect and as it should be...

Lunar nodded and fumbled with the strings on his hood, tugging on the star-shaped ends a little, but not enough to hide his face. "I'll explain everything...But we need to get Bloody upstairs to his room first so he can rest properly..." He looked up to Bloody, "I'm gonna need your help to get him up there."

"I can do it," Moon stepped forward, "I've had to carry heavier."
"Moon, no," I huffed, giving him a look, "You're hurt-"

Lunar sighed and pointed to me, "Mr. Sun is right; he should help me." He gave Moon a sympathetic smile, "You can go make sure Bloody's room is ready if you'd like?"
Moon nodded and turned on his heel, rushing off. He seemed eager to get away...

I turned back to Lunar and Bloody, waiting for directions.
"Alright," He started, getting up off the floor, "You get his legs and I'll get his upper half."


After what felt like forever, we finally managed to carry Bloody upstairs and into his room, which was spotless and organized--even decorated--perfectly. Moon sat on the edge of the bed and perked up at seeing us walk in with Bloody, jumping up to help us lay him down on the bed. He tucked him in and set a pillow comfortably under his head, but not before plugging him in so he would hopefully wake up sooner.
Once Moon saw to it that Bloody was situated, he whirled around to Lunar. "Now explain," He demanded.

Lunar gave him a look, and Moon backed down a bit. "Sorry- Please explain-" He asked, much nicer this time.

Lunar nodded and glanced over to Bloody, then to us, "...Faz- Where do I even start-?"
"How about you start with Eclipse? And how he's inside of me?" I suggested, though it was more of urging him, my voice quivering a bit. I was hoping he'd say I was wrong...

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