Chapter 41: Stressed

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Tw: Hurt Bloody :(..Oh and Eclipse

(Sun's POV)

I lead Moon out of the naptime area and shielded my eyes from the light with my hand. I looked around for Lunar and Bloody, still worried that he wouldn't recover.
I spotted Lunar off to the side with Bloody leaned up against the wall with pillows and blankets around him. It was the best he could do since he wasn't strong enough to carry Bloody up the stairs by himself--especially so when he was over twice Lunar's height.

Moon looked over to where I was staring, but, not wanting him to worry or feel terrible any more than he already was, I ushered him out of the main daycare and up the stairs to our room. 
"Wh- Sun-?" He looked back at me over his shoulder as he let me push him up the stairs, "What's going on-?" He tried to glance past me at the scene, but I quickly moved to block his line of sight, a smile plastered on my face.

"It's nothing Moony," I hummed, "Let's get you cleaned up first-" He nodded and easily complied, letting me sit him on the bed. Realizing Lunar still had the repair kits, I said to Moon, "I'll be right back Starlight- I need to go get something from Lunar-"
"Can I come wi-"

"No." I said, a little too quickly. Before Moon could ask why, I said, "I'll be right back," and left just as quickly.
Rushing down the stairs, I went up to Lunar, slowing down as I neared the two and saw Bloody--still powered off.

"Why is he still offline..?" I heard Lunar mutter under his breath as he stood in front of Bloody with his arms crossed. He now looked just as worried as I was.

"..Lunar-? Is Bloody going to be okay?" I asked as I stood next to him, looking to Bloody. His eye lights were darkened and his expression ran blank, no traces of life among any of his features. Instead, he just lay there, motionless, limp and slumped over.

Startled, Lunar jumped a bit as he looked up at me with wide eyes. He relaxed as he realized it was just me and sighed, looking to the floor, "Bloody still hasn't come back online...It may just be that he needs to be fully charged for a complete manual start-up, but- I'm worried he may reject it..."
I gave him a perplexed look that was mixed with fear, "Why would he reject it-?"

"Sun, you stabbed him," Lunar gave me a look, "I'm pretty sure he'd be terrified to come back online after you--the person he thought was the kindest in the world--wounded him so badly that he was forced into going offline."

I stared down at him, taken aback, "..I-I did what-" I shook my head quickly, refusing to believe it, "No-! I'd never- I'd never hurt him like that!"

Lunar pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated and exhausted, "No- No...I mean Eclipse did it. But Bloody probably thinks you did; he doesn't know that-" I still didn't want to believe it, "But- How-.."

"Eclipse is sick and twisted. He'll do anything to get what he wants, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals." Lunar turned to look at the floor, clenching his jaw and clearly despising Eclipse with all he had, "Even forcing his way into other people to play his sadistic little mind-games."

"...How do you know all of this?" I whispered as I tensed, "And, if that's true-....Does that mean Eclipse is inside of me-..?"
Lunar fell silent and avoided my gaze.
"Lunar, answer me."

After still refusing to give me a response, I was beginning to grow frustrated. "..Fine- But this-...This conversation isn't over-" I mumbled. I so desperately wanted answers, and something sparked in me when Lunar still refused to answer my questions. I needed to know so badly! It was killing me that Lunar obviously knew something important and was hiding it from me!
..God, if I could just squeeze it out of him-


I blinked. Where had that come from? I shook my head to clear my thoughts, instead making my way over to Bloody and sitting beside him. I took his limp hand in mine, lifting and lowering it a few times and looking up at him hopefully, wishing him to come back.
"..Bloody-..?" I whispered meekly, tears coming back to my eyes, "Please come back soon..."

I stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to turn back on at any second. But I knew hopeful wishing wouldn't help save him in the slightest, so I decided to stay strong. I've dealt with worse. I could handle this.
..But the thought of losing Bloody because of something that I- Eclipse. Did....It scared me..

I soon stood to my feet, wiping away what little tears were in my eyes with the back of my hand and making my way over to the two repair kits that lay on the floor not too far away. I picked them up and gave a little glance to the two. 
Lunar returned the glance, but quickly looked away. He seemed to want to tell me something, finally tell the truth, but something was stopping him.

Not wanting to pester him with questions, I quickly left and went up the stairs to Moon.

Such a pushover. You let even Lunar treat you like a doormat?

I shook my head again, trying to will away the bad thoughts. I'd deal with them later. For now, I had to deal with Moon..

I slowly opened the door as it creaked on its hinges, the old wood in need of replacing. Poking my head inside, I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw Moon still sitting where I'd left him, not any more or less hurt.

"I'm back Starlight.." I hummed, walking in and shutting the door with my heel before sitting next to him on the bed. I set down the kits beside me, clicking the lid of the second box open to get out something to clean his cuts with.
Moon hissed in pain, flinching a bit, but didn't pull away. After cleaning, I wrapped his arms in the bandage, then planted a gentle kiss to his underarm where he was hurt.

"Feeling any better..?" I whispered softly and took his hands in mine, resting the backs of my hands in my lap. He nodded and leaned against me with a sigh, letting his eyes flutter closed.
I gave him a small smile, looking up at him hopefully, though there was something sad in my eyes. I was so tired by now...Battery running low and about to run out, and stressed out of my mind. What with both Bloody and Moon injured, and Lunar refusing to tell me anything, and Eclipse, it was all too much...

Still, I had to be strong. If someone has to do it, it should be me.

"How about we get you to bed, hm?"
If I could get Moon to rest, maybe I'd have one less thing to stress about for now...

Moon nodded slowly, already going slightly limp against me and leaning more and more of his weight on me. I sighed and shrugged him off, gently laying him down on his back on the bed and tucking him in. 
"How much battery do you have?" I asked, reaching for his charging cord. He grumbled a bit, but managed to mutter, "40 percent.."

I decided to tun him over onto his side so I could plug him in, shifting the pillows and such to make him more comfortable. "That should hold you over until tomorrow..." I mumbled. I started to leave to go back to Bloody, but Moon let out a whine.
Looking back at him over my shoulder, I saw him reaching a hand out towards me. "Please don't leave me alone..." He whispered, "Please stay.."

I glanced between him and the door, but ultimately gave in with a sigh as I made my way back towards him. "Do you want to cuddle?" I suggested with a small smile, though it was partly forced. He nodded, placing his hand over mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Alright. Give me a moment."

I stood and grabbed my own cord, plugging myself in so I wouldn't go offline--like Bloody..--as I slept, then went to lay in the bed next to him. Almost instantly, Moon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, tucking my head under his chin with a purr. 
"Thank you Sunshine..." He murmured, rubbing my back gently to help me fall asleep as well, "I feel better now....Thank you.."

I wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face to the crook of his neck with another smile, genuine this time, "It's no problem Moonflower...."
Moon continued to whisper sweet nothings to me as we both fell asleep in each others arms. It was the most comfort I'd gotten all day...


Jeez things are getting complicated- The lore is going haywire and the chapters are all over the place-

Even so, I'm gonna keep writing to push past this part of the story

-Still Jackie >:]

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now