Chapter 17: Ice Cream And Malicious Intent

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I might start reusing chapter art from previous chapters because I can't remember which ones I've already used-


(No one's POV)

The daycare and the entirety of the plex was quiet and still. For the most part at least. The constant jingle of the daycare echoed throughout the empty mall with only the faint whirrs of S.T.A.F.F. bots to drown it out.

It was early morning, before dawn and before anyone in the plex was awake. The best time for mischief. One would think that night guards would be roaming around and keeping things in line for the next work day, but it was the deepest hour of the night and all of security had gone home for the night. Of course there's the security bots, but they're not exactly the brightest. 

A shadowy figure skulked throughout the corridors and deserted attractions. The figure had a sort of cloak to cover up their appearance, jet-black shoes that clacked against the tile when they walked, and a duffle bag was slung across their shoulder. 

Although they walked swiftly and with purpose, they had a pronounced limp and had stumbled a few times when walking up the powered off escalators. They headed for Bonnie Bowl and sat at the counter on a red bar stool. They seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Glad to see ya made it, old man," A young boy who looked to be in his early 20's came from around the back, wiping his hands on a hand towel. He tucked the towel into the pocket of his apron when he'd finished and asked, "What can I get'cha this time around? Banana Brain-Freeze? Choco Dreamland? Or my personal favorite: The Sunshine Sherbet?"

"I'll have the usual, Flynn," The man grunted. "Fantastic Fudge it is!" Flynn grabbed a tall milkshake glass and started making the man's shake. "What brings ya around this time? Forget somethin' in the booths again?" He questioned over his shoulder.

The man shrugged the duffle bag from his shoulder and dropped it on the ceramic counter. Several metallic clanks came from inside and the bag was covered in questionable stains. "What else could I possibly be here for in the middle of the night?" A malicious smile spread across the man's face.

Flynn turned so he could see the bag and stared at it for a long time before speaking again, "Ya didn't scrap bots for them parts, didja...?" A long pause. An even longer silence.

"My shake's spilling over," The man finally said, and Flynn scrambled to save the overflowing milkshake. He took the glass and set it on the counter in front of the man, but not before he put a mountain of whipped cream on top and squirted some into his mouth.

"Don't tell my boss bout me secretly sneakin' whipped cream; I'd get fired for just that, not to mention ya always comin' in with new parts," He said as he reached for the sprinkles and chocolate chips.

"Hold the chips, kid." The man took the glass and set a few dollar bills on the counter before walking away, "I'll be seeing you around then."

Flynn yelled after him, "Hey, wait a second! What am I s'posed to do with these parts?!" The man stood in the doorway, chuckled darkly, and left, drink in hand.


Oof this was short- It was refreshing to finally make up some new lore for this story!

Also I hope you guys don't think that I have an actual plot for this, no no no you've got it all wrong- I'm making this up as I go along- Send help, preferably ideas-

-See you soon,

Still Jackie :')

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now