Chapter 25: Bots' Night Out!!

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Tw: Light swearing, use of alcohol, drunk people, horny robots, party stuff (It's a big party, what do you expect?)

You ever seen the Daycare Attendants in suits?

How about in suits underwater?

How about in suits underwater?

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Now you have.

(Both art pieces by TheFallenHumanChild)


(Sun's POV) (A/N: Seriously, when is it not Sun's POV? /j)

"Ohhh! Thank you for agreeing to come, Moony!" I hugged Moon tightly, him grumbling above me, "It's not that big a deal..."

"'Not that big a deal'?! It is very much a 'big deal'!! You never get out of the house!" I exclaim, my eyes twinkling with excitement, "For you to agree to attend a party with me, a formal party at that, it's like you're a whole new person!"

He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Although true I don't usually attend parties, it was getting pretty boring in the daycare, and I was hoping an excuse to spend time with you would come by sooner or later." 

Moon let go of me and turned to his closet, "Now, it's a formal party, right? We need something to wear..." He rummaged around for a while then pulled out two tailored suits, "These'll have to do...Wow, they're old." He looked over at me, "When was the last time we wore these?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. Probably a few years ago? I didn't even know we had those." I took one from Moon and looked it over, brushing my fingers over the embroidered sun symbol on the chest pocket.

"They seem to be in good enough shape..." I mumble to myself. "Well, no time like the present to try it on!" I brush past Moon into the closet to get changed, seeing his expression sour in the corner of my eye.

I get changed, and I hear shuffling around on the other side of the door, so Moon does as well. I come out of the closet (A/N: Get it? Cuz he's...Whatever, I'm the author, and y'all don't get to judge my humor.) after a moment and see him leaned against the desk, his arms crossed. 

He spots me and looks away out of embarrassment, "You...Look nice, I guess..." I giggle and go up to him, "And why are you so upset? What, are you disappointed you didn't get to see me change~?"

"Wh-Wha- I-" He stutters, blushing deeply, "N-No!? Why would I-" He desperately stammers to find the right words, but I just cut him off with a quick kiss, causing him to overheat slightly. "You're such a pervert..~" I smile with half-lidded eyes.

"I'm not a fucking perv!" Getting pushed away, I burst into laughter at his reaction. I regain my composure and come closer again, putting my hands on the desk on either side of him and leaning close, sort of pinning him to the desk. "You sure? You seem like you're expecting me to do something..~" 

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now