Chapter 35: 'Just a Crush or Two'

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TW: Mentions of child abuse, mild swearing, small amounts of violence

Hey look

It's my art


(BloodMoon's POV)

Fast-forward about a month or so and things have mostly settled. I'm still not allowed to work with kids in the daycare due to my Hellish appearance and association with blood, but it's not a problem. Management ended up giving me the role of security bot assigned to the daycare area to substitute for it, so I get to deal with the abusive parents and potential kidnappers, sometimes the occasional problematic teenager.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to be a security bot when you don't have the heart to hurt in any capacity. Most times, I would just ask that they leave or please stop causing trouble, but it almost always ended up with Moon having to come back me up and deal with them instead.

I can't deny that I owe Moon a lot at this point--he's had to get me out of some tough spots with customers, and has been helping me with the nightmares. He says it's not a big deal, that it's just a part of his job and he was used to it since Sun was dealing with the same issue.

Oh, and I'm in Sun's debt as well. Moon mainly took care of customers and staff that had a problem with me being a security bot, let alone work in the daycare or around kids at all, but it was Sun who had worked his ass off to earn me a place to stay. Sun was the one who did all the paperwork and convinced corporate and management to not decommission me.

Management was more likely to listen to him, that's what he would say. Sure, he's the main daycare attendant and the face of the daycare in a sense, but that doesn't mean he has to take on all responsibilities and overwork himself to the point he collapses from sheer exhaustion.

Up until now, the most I've been able to do to repay their kindness is not cause problems and stay out of the way when the two are working. There's...Not much I can do, other than that.

I wish I could do more to requite the unconditional compassion the two have shown me, a complete stranger...It's more than I deserve..

"..Bloody-? Bloody!!

I was brought back from my thoughts and looked up to see Lunar standing next to me, his hands on his hips and staring down at me with a frown on his face.

Then there was Lunar...
He was a good-natured soul who was a lot like Sun, but also a lot different. He had Moon's tendency to get upset and frustrated easily, but was able to calm himself just as quickly like Sun. It was like he was the best of Sun and the best of Moon put into one animatronic.
..There was something off-putting about him, however...

Lunar always seemed like he knew more than he was letting on, like he was hiding something important. I brought it up a few times, but he brushed it off and always found a way to dodge my questions or change the subject, so I just stopped asking after a while. 
Oddly enough, when I brought up Eclipse, the guy from my nightmares, he suddenly got all quiet. His entire demeanor changed in an instant, going from chipper and energetic to cold and silent.
It was like he became a whole different person.

I never spoke about Eclipse again. Not around Lunar, at least.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes!" He sat down in one of the kiddy chairs next to me, "Are you okay? You've been kinda distracted lately.."

It was just after closing time, and Sun and Moon were busying themselves with tidying up the daycare, per usual. Lunar was supposed to be helping, but instead he was checking up on me. It was sweet how he would drop everything to just make sure everyone was happy and healthy.

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now