Chapter 10: Make-up or Break-up?

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(Moon's POV)

I waited until after hours to check on Sun; I didn't want anyone to hear our bickering again. I knocked gently on his door, "Sun? You in there?"

When there wasn't a response I knocked again, a bit harder this time, "I know you can hear me Sun."

"Go away." I heard him say through the door. His voice sounded like he'd been crying this whole time. 

"Look, you don't have to open the door, you don't have to say anything, you don't even have to listen to me. You can ignore me all you want, but I'm still going to say what I have to say alright?" A pause. Like I expected, he stayed silent. "I want to apologize for earlier, I shouldn't have said that back there and exposed you like that. I'm really sorry. And I know words won't fix what I did, so forgive me or don't forgive me; you have every right not to."

I heard shuffling and footsteps. "You really mean it?" His voice was faint and soft, almost like he was hoping I wouldn't hear. "Of course Sunshine. I'd never lie to you."

He cracked the door open, "Swear on it." 

"I swear to you that I'm not lying Sunny," I crossed my heart. He didn't seem satisfied, "Do the whole thing."

I sighed, there's no way out of this, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a needle in my eye, up-and-over, and moreover, I solemnly swear not to lie." Once I've completely humiliated myself in front of him, Sun opens the door.

"I'm still mad at you y'know," He stepped aside for me to enter his room. "And you have every right to be."

He sat himself on the bed, "That doesn't excuse me from what I said either...I'm sorry, too, Moony." I sat next to him, brushing my fingers against his hand. He pulled it away. "Remember what we said before that malfunction a while back..?"

I nod. I remember asking to be more than friends and then Sun fainting before he could answer.

He looked down at his hands in his lap, "About being a 'thing'...I don't think that I'm- I just- I don't know how to put it into words..."

"You don't have to. I get it, you're not ready for a relationship-" He turned to me, cutting me off, "No! Quite the opposite actually..." He placed his hand over mine, intertwining our fingers.

I blushed profusely, "Wait really?! I was honestly expecting you to hate me hah..." He leaned against me, causing me to blush even more, "How could I ever hate you, Starlight?"

A whirring sound emitted from my cooling fans from how much I was overheating. "Are you purring?" Sun asked me abruptly. I stuttered, trying to convince him otherwise. He giggled, "Awww little kitty Moon!"

"I am not a cat!" The whirring only got louder. He laughed harder as I got increasingly more and more embarrassed.

He reached behind my faceplates and scratched. I immediately melted into his arms, the whirring filled the room. "Still not a cat?" He mocked me playfully. I rolled my eyes, "Oh hush. Now keep scratching-"


-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now