Chapter 29: Reminisce

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Just imagine the picture with Sun instead of Y/N and the roles are reversed.


(Moon's POV)

We'd been going back and forth with this argument for so long. I could hardly remember what we were fighting over.

"Y'know what? Fine. He can stay." I huffed, crossing my arms. Sun smiled and moved to give me a hug. I stopped him, "First, tell me why animatronics who look like me keep showing up."

"Uh, well," Sun seemed to be thinking really hard for an excuse, but couldn't seem to come up with one. 

"You aren't trying to replace me, right..?" I asked, hurt. Sun piped up, "No! You know I'd never do that! We've been over this already; you're irreplaceable to me, Moony!" He tackled me into a hug and pecked me many times on the cheek. I tried to push him off, suppressing a grin, but eventually gave in.

"I can't ever stay mad at you, Sunshine..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking down at him with half-lidded eyes. I pulled him in for a quick kiss, but when I tried to separate, Sun leaned further into it. 

"Mmm..~" He finally separated, leaving me a flustered mess. 

"I just can't ever have enough of you, Starlight~ And I mean you Moon, not some look-a-like wannabe," He held my face in his hands. I blushed, the heat slowly rising up my face, "Heheh...I love you too..."

Sun giggled, "Pff- You wanna kiss me s bad it makes you look stupid!" I blinked, "Wha-"

I furrowed my eyebrows, " I do NOT!" Sun only giggled louder and I pushed him off of me. He stumbled backward and I grabbed his wrist before he could fall to the ground. I pulled him up and twirled him around, enjoying to see Sun so happy.

He stopped spinning and placed his hands on my shoulders and I placed mine on his hips as we started to slow dance.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" I asked, reminiscing on our first date. He nodded and rested his head on my chest, "Sometimes I don't even know why we fight...But I know everything will be worth it in the end--so long as I know I still get to sleep in the same bed as you, if you know what I mean."

"Are you seriously flirting with me?" I asked, looking down at him with a playful smile and raising an eyebrow.

He looked up at, me and held my chin with his finger, "No, but it sounds to me like you want me to~" I blushed furiously and looked away, pulling my hat over my eyes. He giggled, "I'm just teasing you, Moony! But still, you're my one and only, so I don't want you to go around thinking I'm trying to replace you, okay?"

"You say that like you've never had a partner before..." I mumbled, bringing the hat back up over my eyes, but unable to look at Sun.

He grabs my face with his hands, forcing me to look at him. "That's because it's true. You really are my one and only...And I'm glad I was lucky enough to have you instead of someone else."

I blushed. I was genuinely touched by his words. "So, I'm your first?" I asked. He nodded, and I pulled him in close.

"I promise," I muttered into his shoulder, "I'm going to be the best partner for you that I can possibly be." I squeezed him tightly before letting him go and just admiring him lovingly, my hands resting on his shoulders.

He just stared at me, his expression a mix of shock and confusion. "I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not that big of a deal; you don't have to promise me that Moony." I shook my head, "But it is. Not everyone is lucky enough to find the right one on their first try, including me. I'm...Touched, honestly, that I'd be your first pick."

Sun smiled and placed one of his hands over mine, grabbing it and intertwining our fingers. "If you really think I mean that much to you, then I can only hope you know I love you just as much."

I felt a flutter in my heart as he said those threes words. Every time I'm with Sun, I feel so happy...He makes me feel at home in this daycare. He makes me feel like I belong.

"Sun, I'm...I'm sorry..." I looked to the ground as I apologized. "What for?" Sun asked.

"For everything! For always arguing with you, for never listening when you need it, for getting mad over nothing!...And for being a terrible boyfriend..." I was surprised to feel him place a soft kiss to the palm of my hand, and I looked up at him.

"Oh, Moony...Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes, and even you and I are no exception," He pressed my hand to the side of his face, leaning into the touch, "You've been the best partner you can possibly be, and that's what matters. Sure, we argue and get upset with each other sometimes, but that'll never change the fact that I love you."

He pulled out the necklace I'd given him as a Christmas present from under his ruffles, "And this is proof. I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me, because I always want to keep it close to my heart...Because I was to keep you close to my heart."

As he said the last part, he leaned closer. I could feel his breath against my lips when he was barely an inch away. "I love you, Moon..." He muttered underneath his breath, looking to my lips.

"I love you, too, Sun..." I murmured as I closed the gap between us.


Haha I have no clue what I was doing for this chapter-

I wanted some character development between Sun and Moon, so I at least tried-

-See you soon,

Still Jackie :')

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