Chapter 11: "Complacency"

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Tw: Light swearing, bleeding (Does oil loss count as bleeding?), mention of sh (But not really?), threats


(Sun's POV)

I ended up falling asleep with Moon, which was a mistake.

"Let's just get this over with." What I assume to be the being named "Eclipse" appeared before me.

Its smug grin still sat on its face, "You remember our deal?" I nodded. "Good."

Eclipse stepped toward me, "Now, do exactly as I say. Lest you wish to break our deal, which will not go unpunished." It walked in circles around me as it spoke, "In the old office by the staff room, there's a wooden box filled with empty chips-"

"You expect me to build you? Am I supposed to stay complacent with you controlling me?" I cut it off. It didn't seem too pleased with my snarky remark.

"DON'T. Interrupt me." It grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me an insane smile, oil dripping out of its eyes and mouth. I nodded frantically and it let me go, wiping the oil from its face. It continued, "I expect you to follow through with my instructions. Even if you don't wish to, or find them revolting. If you fail...Your little 'boy-toy' will be the one in danger in your place."

It roughly grabbed my face and tilted it upwards to force me to look it in the eyes, as if to mock me, "I want you to rebuild an old friend of mine, in fact. Once you have the chips, there's an old design for their body in the corrupted files on that computer in Parts and Services. It contains directions for where you can find all the parts. When you finally complete their vessel, I'll be able to take it from there. You will do this and be 'complacent'."

Digging its claws deep into my faceplates, Eclipse pulled me close, "Fail and you'll be of no use to me, therefore discarding of you will be much, much easier. Understand?"

I winced, its claws left wide, deep scratches that streamed out oil once they were removed. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes from the pain when I touched my hand to them. It smirked and lifted my face up by the chin with a finger gently, "Hurts, doesn't it? Almost as if it were real."

The same lullaby that played at the end of these nightmares began drowning out all other sound. My ears rang, it sounded as if it were playing inside of my head. Consciousness was slipping rapidly...


I stirred awake. I touched my fingers to my face and jumped when I felt something warm and wet on my cheek. Looking down at my now oil covered fingers I began shaking like crazy.

"It was real...That's means that I- Oh, I'm in some deep shit..." I pushed Moon, who was leaning on me while in a deep sleep, off of me, and got up. Moon started and sat upright, rubbing his eyes, "What's-" He yawned, "What's going on Sunshine? Another nightmare?"

I shook my head, "This is way more than a nightmare, Moon." He patted the spot next to him, "Come sit with me, I'd be happy to listen."

"Not really in the mood to talk right now. I've got some...'Business' to take care of," I threw on a jacket and headed for the door. He stood up and grabbed me before I could leave, "Are you sure? You don't seem too fine." 

As he hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder, I looked away from him so he couldn't see the gashes on my face. "Can I at least have a goodbye kiss before you leave?" He asked as he spun me around, his eyes widening when he saw the wounds.

"Sunshine! What happened to you?! How- How did this happen?" He gave me a worried look, and I sighed. I should tell him.

"Those nightmares...I don't think they're just bad dreams anymore. I keep seeing this one person, he-" I suddenly changed my mind, "Nevermind, I was probably just so stressed in my dream that I tried to wake myself up. It's nothing to worry about, Moony!"

Moon didn't seem to be buying it, he gave me a glare and tried to pry more out of me, "It's clearly something to worry about if it's driving you to hurt yourself. What happens in these dreams?" He sat me down on my bed and tried to patch me up with the kit he kept in my closet. It didn't quite work perfectly, but it stopped any more oil from leaking out.

I couldn't quite explain it, but I felt the need to lie to him again, "It's the same dream over and over again. It starts off as a normal day, but then the fire alarm goes off. Everyone gets out safely, everyone...except you and I. You ended up getting caught in the fire trying to help me out from under a wooden beam that had nearly crushed me when it fell from the ceiling..." Moon's expression softened, he bought it.

He pulled me into a tight hug, "But they're only dreams, I can promise you that I'll never let that happen." For some odd reason I didn't feel any guilt when he believed my lie.

"Look, if there's something you need to take care of I won't stop you. Just be careful okay, it's dangerous at night," He planted a soft kiss on my lips, and I blushed. "Sorry, was that too forward?"

I shook my head and pulled him in for another kiss, "Not at all, Starlight."



-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

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