Chapter 49: Bad Habits

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Tw: Swearing, smoking, Moon is gone :[



(3rd Person POV)

It was maybe a few days since the Moon incident--Moon was still down for the count and hadn't returned--and Sun was an absolute mess. He picked up on his old habits--the ones that he'd promised Moon he would never partake in again. Yes, Moon wasn't the only one with secrets he shared only with his significant other, but the difference was that Moon was better at keeping them secrets.

Sun had been caught smoking above the daycare before and after work several times; he refused to smoke during work hours around the kids or give them a bad example by accidentally getting caught by a kid. 
Though he refused to do it around anybody, resorting to just smoking alone in his room with the door locked when nobody would bother him, it was obvious he was still doing it as his breath reeked of cigarettes. Now he had to take extra care to brush his teeth after every smoke break, lest he want to sit through another earful of BloodMoon's lecture on how smoking is bad for his health, it could be a bad influence on the kids or even Lunar, what would Moon think, etc.

And what was happening now?

Sun was just trying to have a peaceful smoke break after hours as the daycare had just closed. He stood at the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing as he watched Lunar and Bloody run around below and tidy up the daycare. They looked so small from this high up, like little ants.
He wore one of Moon's jackets, though it was a bit big on him--he didn't care. It was the closest he could get to Moon while he was gone.

His rays retracted into his head slightly at the thought of Moon.

Right. Moon.

He pulled the hood of the jacket up over his head and took a long drag on his cigarette, eyes glazing over as they unfocused. It was his fault that Moon was in Parts and Services and probably wasn't ever gonna get better either. If only he hadn't snapped...If only he knew how to keep his mouth shut...Maybe Moon would still be here, with Sun, joking and flirting and playing around like always.

Faz...Moon could be grumpy and hard-headed at times, but he always meant well and just wanted the best for Sun...
Now he probably was never going to get to even see Sun ever again. Was never going to hold him, laugh with him, fall asleep against him, comfort him.

Sun's eyes watered at that. He needed Moon now, more than ever...And now he was never going to get  another chance to even tell Moon that he was sorry...

...Oddly enough, Sun felt himself resent Moon a bit. He loved and missed him, of course, but he never did listen to what Sun had to say...Maybe if Moon had learned to listen, he'd still be here..
He was a bit angry at Moon, though mainly at himself and at Eclipse. 


All of Sun's problems, all of his strife and grief up to this very moment had stemmed from that parasite. Truly, it was Eclipse's fault.

While Sun was caught up in his ruminating and hatred, he didn't even notice that Bloody had come up the stairs to check on Sun. He jumped in surprise and choked a bit mid-drag as a hand was placed on his shoulder, quickly turning round to stare at Bloody with wide eyes.

Before Bloody could even open his mouth to reprimand him, Sun just huffed and put out his cigarette with his fingers and crumpled it up in his fist. "I know, I know," He looked away, crossing his arms and leaning back against the balcony railing, "'You shouldn't be smoking; it's bad for your health.' I know, alright?"

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now