Chapter 19: Forgive And Forget

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Tell me what y'all want more of (You can also request stuff if you'd like)

Angst, lore, romance, fluff, smut, fights between characters (Tell me which ones), scenes with OC's, Eclipse and Lunar's backstory, or a Q&A

Now for chapter :)


(Moon's POV)

I'd soon reached the daycare and pushed through the doors, slamming them shut behind me. My Faz-Watch beeped and I looked down to see a text from Sunny: 'I'm sorry you weren't having fun today...I promise to pay more attention to you next time...'

Rage bubbled up inside of me as I reread the text over and over. Seething, I threw my Faz-Watch. It hit the light switch by the security desk a few feet away and the lights went out. The soft tinkle of the lullaby version of the daycare main theme was the only thing keeping me company.

'How could my Sunshine think it's his fault that I wanted to leave?! He could never do any wrong in my eyes! It's that Lunar who's stealing him away from me! It's Lunar's fault!

Although, it's true that I was a little upset he was spending more time with Lunar than he was with me, but he spends so much time with me already, too...

Okay, maybe it was a bit petty of me to leave.'

My wire comes down to greet me, and I hook it onto my back, spiraling upward past the balcony, past the towers, past the hanging decorations and lost toys stuck between metal beams that have collected over the years.

I stepped off onto the highest support beam overlooking the daycare. Feeling guilty and dumb, I took a seat on the beam and pulled up my legs to my chest. 

'How foolish of me to think Lunar was ever a threat. He didn't bring himself up into this reality, Sun did. And I've been nothing but ugly towards the two since.' I sat there thinking for a long time until it was closing time.

We'd broken the rule to stay in the daycare, and for the main four to stay at their attractions. Management won't be too happy about that when they find out. And they will, considering our next appointment for a check-up is tomorrow.

I groan loudly at the thought; I hate those AI tests as much as Sunny does. 

"Moon? Are you home?" Speak of the devil. Sunny was home.

I called to him from where I was perched, "Up here, Sunshine!" He looked up, surprised. Of course, Lunar was one step right behind him.

"Come down from there, it's dangerous!" He yelled. Ever since his wire snapped, Sun's had an irrational fear of heights. 

"Alright, no need to shout," I said as I made sure the wire was secure before hopping off the beam, gracefully floating to the ground floor. My shoes lightly clicked on the floor as I landed and unhooked the wire from my back, then faced Sun, "What'd you need?"

He looked to the ground and acted guilty, "I'm sorry. About today, I mean. I know y- Ack-?!"

I squeezed him tightly in a hug, burying my face into the crook of his neck but not saying anything. Taken aback, Sun patted my back in response.

"Do you guys need a moment, orrr...?"Lunar asked awkwardly, already sneaking off towards the stairs. I nodded and he quickly rushed off. That left only my Sunshine and I standing in the daycare.

After a moment that could've lasted forever, I finally let go and gazed into my lover's eyes. I took his hands into mine and said, "Don't apologize. Let's forget about it and enjoy ourselves while we can."

He nodded and gave me a small peck, to which I blushed. Hand in hand, we went up the stairs to our shared room.

"Oh! Before I forget: I brought you back something so you wouldn't have to miss out on the ice cream!" Sun reaches into his pocket and pulls out two popsicles in the shape of Monty and Freddy. Both already melting and semi-deformed.

He thrust the Monty one into my hand, and he ripped the plastic wrapping off the Freddy one. Seeing to it that it wouldn't melt before we ate, the two of us quickly downed our ice cream.


-I don't know what I'm doing,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя