Chapter 36: Question Please?

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(Sun's POV)

It was early morning, before the daycare opened, and Moon and I were downstairs getting ready for the day to start. I was taking stock of how many snacks we had left, and made a mental note to visit one of the kitchens later this evening to restock as we were getting low on snacks. Those kids eat like they've never been fed before-

Moon was cleaning up the naptime area, a separate room off to the side of the daycare that was about half the size of the main daycare yet spacious enough to fit all the kids and daycare staff inside comfortably, so I was readying the rest of the daycare on my own. 
Lunar was in P&S to get his own check-up, seeing as though it'd take far too long to repair all four daycare attendants--would BloodMoon count as an Attendant? He's more like security, isn't he?

..Well, long story short, Lunar got to have his own appointment scheduled for another day than Moon and I's, seeing as he was smaller and easier to repair than any of the other daycare staff. BloodMoon, however, had to visit P&S frequently to have regular check-ups. He was far larger than any of the other animatronics in the plex, and more complex, so fixing him was a tedious and difficult task. Not to mention that he malfunctions every now and then. Usually his voice box ends up glitching again, or he loses control of a certain body part--like his hand or leg, things like that--and has to get it recalibrated. We've figured out that if we wait it out instead, it can sometimes go back to normal on its own, so we were able to cut down on the trips to P&S a little. The good news is that BloodMoon says that it doesn't hurt, that it's more like he just feels numb in the body part that he can't control. Oddly enough, it usually only happens during work hours, which is inconvenient.

Speaking of BloodMoon, looks like he's finally awake! I saw him coming down the stairs from his room in the corner of my eye and turned to greet him, smiling wide and waving him over, "Good morning! Sleep well?" 
He went rigid and froze, staring at me for a moment, before coming back to his senses and nodding. "Uh- Yeah! Well, better than usual-" He smiled awkwardly, trotting over. I could see that his face was tinted a light pink now that he was closer, but I shrugged it off, assuming it was just from embarrassment. 

"Glad to hear it," I hummed, turning back to the snack box and sliding it back under the security desk since I'd finished taking stock before standing up and dusting my hands off, "I'm almost done with getting the daycare ready, so you can just hang out for a bit until I'm done. Moon is in the naptime area if you need him." BloodMoon nodded and continued to stand next to me, shifting his weight from foot to foot awkwardly.

I looked up at him and cocked my head to the side, raising an eyebrow, "Is there something you wanna tell me-?" He flushed and looked away, mumbling something under his breath. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to face him fully, "BloodMoon, you know I can't hear you when you mumble-"

He huffed, hesitant to speak. He always got quiet like this when Moon or I spoke with him, and I know he can talk--I've seen him speaking with Lunar plenty of times--but he only ever seems to get shy around me and Moon, along with a few parents and staff members. I sighed and placed a hand on his upper arm, smiling up at him reassuringly, "C'mon, you can tell me.."

He looked down at me and his face turned red, his cooling fans kicking on. He pulled his arm away, clasping a hand over where I'd touched and looked to the floor, his face going back to normal as he recollected himself.

After a moment he turned back to me, speaking softly, "I-I was wondering if-...If you and Moon would-..." He hesitated, chewing the inside of his cheek, before continuing, "Could the both of you call me 'Bloody' instead-? I mean, I don't mind if you both still call me BloodMoon, I just thought you guys should have something to call me that's not so long.."

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now