Chapter 18: New Best Friend

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(Moon's POV)

Before I knew it, the day was already half over. I'd woken up around noon, though Sunny seemed still fast asleep. Deciding he deserved some rest, especially considering all that's going on, I carefully got up as to not wake him.

I was fixing the blankets when there was a rapping on the door. I quickly answered it and said in a hoarse whisper, "What do you want?!" Lunar looked up at me, mid-knock.

"I was wondering if you or that other guy...Uh, what was his name? Moon? No, that's your name...Um-" Lunar desperately tried to find the right words. He looked over my shoulder and matched my whisper when he saw Sunny sleeping. "Anyways," He said finally, "Do you wanna get ice cream with me since your friend is sleeping?"

I shook my head and gave a clear "No.", and even tried to shut the door, but Lunar pressed on. "Wait! Actually, the others invited you two; Franny and his gang, I mean."

"Freddy." I corrected. "Right, Freddy," He continued, "He stopped me in the hallways and asked if you guys wanted to get ice cream around noon. I think he was a little confused though, cuz he called me 'Mr. Moon' and made a face when he first saw me."

Does this guy ever shut up?

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose, "I'll ask Sunny, go tell Freddy I'll be there in 30." So much for letting Sun sleep.

Lunar nodded and bounded away. I closed the door and turned on the lights; I put it on the lowest setting so it wouldn't hurt Sunny's eyes.

I gently shook him and whispered, "Sunshine...It's time to wake up..."

"Five more months..." He muttered and rolled onto his other side, pulling the covers over his head. I pulled the covers off completely, and he groaned and curled into a ball.

"Will you wake up if I tell you there's ice cream involved?" I ask. Almost immediately, Sun sits up, now suddenly fully awake.

He stares at me with eager eyes, "You're taking me out to get ice cream?!" I chuckled at his response, "Technically Freddy and the gang are taking us both. Lunar just swung by to tell me that Freddy invited us."

"Oh...Nevermind then," He said as he curled back onto the bed. I grabbed him and lifted him up, throwing him over my shoulder, "I know how much you like ice cream, so I'm not gonna let you miss this and be mad at me later."

Sun banged his fists against my back while I carried him out of our room, down the stairs, and out of the daycare.


Eventually Sun gave up on struggling when he realized I wasn't going to let him go, and I only set him down when we'd reached Bonnie Bowl and there was no way he'd try to run away when we were this close to ice cream.

He huffed and brushed past me, but held the door open for me despite him not wanting to be here. 

"C'mon Sunny...Show me that smile!" I pinched his cheeks playfully. He tried to suppress a grin, but a muffled giggle gets out as he swats me away.

Once he seemed to be in the proper mood for this occasion, we entered. We must've been the last ones there because the others were already chatting away and enjoying their ice cream, even Lunar was joining in on the conversation.

Upon our arrival their heads swiveled around to see who had arrived. Monty was the first to greet us...With a back-shattering pat on the back. "Good t' see ya, little guy! Been a while since we last saw ya outside the daycare, huh?" (A/N: Help- I forgot what Monty sounds like-)

I rubbed my now sore back and winced, "Yep, nice to see you too Monty." He did the same to Sunny, but with a little less force when he saw how crippled I now was, "Hey, Sunshine-Boy! How ya doin'?" (A/N: Behold, my rendition of southern Monty)

"Still a bit tired, but otherwise I'm doing alright," Sunny replied and the two made their way to the counter towards the others who gave similar greetings. I looked to find a seat near the end, I wasn't much for conversation like Sun was when it came to social events.

Lunar scooted a bit closer on his stool, I was sure he'd fall off if he moved any closer. "So you decided to come after all!" He said with that same overly energetic tone that irritated me so.

"Yeah, so I did..." I scooted, or rather leaned due to the small amount of space provided by the stools, away from him so he wasn't in my face while we spoke. Before he could say any more, a S.T.A.F.F. bot wheeled its way to us so it could take our orders, which I was grateful for.

I placed my order for strawberry in a bowl and Lunar asked for a refill on his shake. 'Where's Flynn, I wonder?'

Thankfully Roxanne asked it for me. "Say, have any of you seen Flynn around lately? He's a regular at the Raceway, but I haven't seen him in a few days," She asked and threw her long hair over her shoulder as to not get it in her sherbet.

A few murmurs among the group and a few head shakes indicated they had no idea either. Chica was the first to pipe up, "I heard he got fired because he was smuggling illegal robot parts for another company. It's just a rumor, but it would explain why this place always reeks of oil and gasoline."

"Smuggling for another company? That does not sound anything like Flynn!" Freddy seemed almost shocked that such a trusted and loyal partner of Fazbear Entertainment was terminated. Although, Flynn hadn't been with our company for all that long, so it was expected that he might try to double-cross us.

Another murmur from the group and Roxanne grumbled, "There goes one of my best racers..."

"At least the parlor won't smell so bad anymore...That's a plus right?" Sunny tried to lighten the mood a bit.

Freddy turned towards Lunar and I, "Moving onto a different topic, have you met our new coworker Lunar? I had an encounter with him earlier today, and I mistook him for you, Mr. Moon. It does not help that your similarity to each other makes it harder to identify who is who."

I grumbled under my breath, "How could I have not met him? He showed up on my doorstep just this morning." Then I cleared my throat and spoke more clearly, "I can see why. He kinda just showed up in the daycare earlier today, so we're already acquainted." 

I snuck a glance at Sun who looked a bit guilty, only the both of us knew why. "Anyways," I continued, "He's going to be working with Sun and I in the daycare from now on, according to the mechanics."

More murmurs, happy ones this time, and everybody went back to their own conversations, leaving me in peace. The S.T.A.F.F. bot came back with my ice cream, along with Lunar's shake, so I had to hope that he would leave me alone this time.

Surprisingly, he did; Lunar instead went over to Sunny with his shake and the two started chatting. It didn't bother me that much, but every few seconds the two would burst out in laughter.

'What could possibly be that funny?' I thought as I looked over. I was glaring laser beams into the back of Lunar's head, but neither he nor Sunny seemed to notice.

Freddy did, however. "What has you so riled up, Mr. Moon?" He asked, cocking his head to the side a bit, which gave him a childish and ignorant disposition. It was his signature trait.

I shook my head and finally took my eyes off the other two. I didn't bother giving Freddy an answer and simply stated, "I'll be in the daycare if you need me." I'd hardly touched my ice cream when I decided to leave, and it was already melted by then.

"Hang on a second, Lunar," Sun said to his new best friend. He swiveled around in his chair and called to me as I pushed open the swinging glass door, "Where are you going, Moony?"



Over 1000 words!

I wonder what it's supposed to mean by the fact that I didn't have Bonnie appear in this chapter? Hmmm...


-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now