(RECAP) Chapter 5: A Bit of Fun?

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Moon's POV:

Sun was a blushing mess, and it was all because of me. We're so close to each other, I could just...

Right as we were about to kiss, the door swung open and flooded the room with light. (A/N: Looks like they got "Interrupting Cow'd)

"Sun! Moon! Come quick, it's an emergency!" Freddy had burst through the door, causing Sun and I to jump back from each other immediately. Sun looked away from me and was rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. 

"Did I interrupt something?" Freddy had a puzzled expression, though he seemed to suspect something. I shook my head, "N-No, Sunsh- Sun and I were just having a 'friendly' discussion..."

In the corner of my eye, I could see Sun turn an orange hue out of embarrassment. 

He nodded along with what I was saying, "Well hurry, we need you two at the main stage pronto!" I got up and held my hand out for Sun to take. "Well then let's go."


"This is what you brought us here for?" We'd arrived at the main stage, but the so-called "emergency" was a janitorial issue. Some kid had somehow gotten a green sort of goo stuck to one of the higher metal beams holding up the ceiling. 

I turned to Freddy, "You brought us here to clean the ceiling?" He nodded, "It's been causing mayhem for the cleaning bots since they can't reach the mess, so we were hoping you could help them?"

Just as I was about to turn around and head back to the daycare, Sun stepped up.

"I'd be glad to help Freddy! After all, I do still owe you for that stunt I pulled a few days ago ahah..." He was talking about how Sun had been in a constant prank war with Monty, and Freddy had gotten caught in the crossfire.

The game started as an innocent competition of whom was the ultimate prank master, but continued to escalate as neither Sun nor Monty was backing down. Sun had set a trap for Monty at the top of one of the escalators that was supposed to trigger a trip wire and drench him in glitter-glue, spill a jar of pink glitter and flowers onto him, and a camera was rigged to snap photos of each moment.

Unfortunately, Freddy had decided to take the escalators instead of the elevator to help deliver a heavy load to P&S and was caught in the trap in Monty's place. Although Freddy had told him it wasn't that big of a deal, Sun had apologized profusely.

I groaned and rubbed the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger, "Might as well get this done as fast as possible..." 

Each of us hooking a wire attached to the ceiling, designed to let us roam the pizzaplex freely, onto our backs, we got to work.


??? POV:

That should be ME. Who does he think he is, strutting around with HIS body? Such an arrogant, selfish robot; he's the one who should've been decommissioned.

No matter...Everything will come perfectly together in the end, just as I planned it to

What do you think, Love


And that's the end of the recap chapters! I can finally start working on the newer chapters!!! :D

-So with that, I'll be looking forward to seeing you next chapter,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now