Chapter 33: 'Let's Play Dress-Up!' (SMUT)

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TW: Smut, daycare shenanigans, maid dresses, mild/horny swearing, etc.

For that one Wattpad user who's name is slipping my mind right now- Galaxystarzim, right? Oh and also RaineYippee. I'm combining both of your requests/ideas into one.

I have a drawing of Sun and Moon in maid dresses but I can't find it- I'm really contemplating whether or not to just draw all of the main characters (Sun, Moon, Lunar, Eclipse, and BloodMoon) in maid dresses just for the sake of it-

Also send help- This chapter is WAY longer than it was supposed to be- 


(Sun's POV)

It was a Sunday, which meant it was our day off! I danced around the daycare, singing the word Sunday like I was announcing it to everyone else around.

"Sunshine, how can you have so much energy this early in the morning-??" Moon sat in the swivel chair at the security desk by the light switch, propping his elbows up on the desktop and holding his head in his hands, rubbing his temple in slight annoyance, "It's only 6AM for Faz's sake!"

I stopped my singing to skip over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my face to the top of his head, smiling brightly. "I always have energy in the mornings! And it's a Sunday!" I rested my chin on his shoulder.
Moon rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his face as he turned his head to the side to look back at me, "I know it's Sunday. Is that why you're so happy? Well, more than usual."

I nodded, "It's my favorite day!"
"I sure wonder why.." Moon mumbled with a slight chuckle, pecking my cheek.

I gave Moon a small squeeze, before skipping off towards the crafts tables. "What should we do on our day off, Moony? We could make sock-puppets, finger paint, play pretend- Ooh! Ooh! We could play dress-up!" I squealed with delight and hopped up and down a bit, clapping my hands together excitedly, the bells on my wrists jingling.

I stopped my antics and cleared my throat, embarrassed that I'd acted so immature again. "Of course, Lunar and BloodMoon might have an idea of what we could do for our day off. I'll go find them!" I quickly ran off towards the staircase, but stopped in my tracks when I heard Moon yell after me: "Sun, don't-!"

"Why not-?" I asked, turning to look at Moon with a confused expression.
Moon settled back down and gestured for me to come over so he wouldn't have to yell across the daycare. I walked over and cocked my head to the side in confusion, waiting for an answer.

"They might still be asleep," Moon replied nonchalantly, "Not everybody is a morning person like you, after all."
"You get up early with me!" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Well that's because we share a room together, and you getting ready in the mornings usually wakes me up," He made a rolling hand gesture, though he was gentle with his voice, not trying to hurt my feelings, "It's mostly the bells jingling that wakes me up."

I pouted and looked away, a bit embarrassed. Moon chuckled and stood so he could kiss me on the forehead and wrap his arms around my waist, holding me close. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I don't mind waking up early if it's to your cute face," He pecked my lips, causing me to giggle.

Giggling, I pushed Moon away a bit, "Okay, okay, that's enough flirting!" He only pulled me back and kissed me again, peppering my face in soft kisses. "Moonyyyyy!!" I whined with a smile on my face, resisting him.

"You're so cute," He nuzzled my cheek. I pecked his cheek in return, "I knowwww- You tell me this almost every day!" He chuckled in response, hugging me close, "That's because it's true."

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now