Chapter 23: An Absence of Nightmares (Part 2)

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Art by: RaineYippee


Tw: Mentions of sh, knives (This gon be angsty- But romantic-?)

"There is not love without trifle, nor trifle without love." -Past Jackie


(Sun's POV)

I stood there in silence. A few minutes passed by and Lunar came down the steps, happy and chipper as can be. 

He skipped over and stopped right in front of me, holding his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth on his heels, "How're you doing Sun?" He looked around, "Where's Moon? Did he go to recharge or something?"

I couldn't stand waiting for Moon to come back, so I said to Lunar, "Look after the daycare while I'm gone. I won't be long." I swiftly went up the steps, leaving Lunar standing flabbergasted with a whole room of sleeping kids to watch over.

Once I'd reached the top of the steps, I rapped on Moon's door. No response. I knocked a bit harder, "Moony? I...I'm really sorry...I don't-..I don't know what got into me..." Still no response. I jiggled the handle slightly.

Oddly enough, it was unlocked. Surprised, I opened the door with a creak, "M-Moon..?"

It was dark, with only the glowing stars stuck to the ceiling to shed light on the room. Moon sat on his bed, holding a shiny object. I squinted in the darkness to realize that he was holding a knife to his arm.

My eyes widened as a silent gasp escapes me, snatching the knife away from him. I screamed shrilly, trying to keep my voice down to not wake up the sleeping children, "What are you doing?!" He looked to his hands, unable to meet my gaze.

(A/N: SH Moon-? Canon in this story? Yes..? For the record, I'm aware that it's a serious topic, and I don't mean to make light of it, which is why it's a SERIOUS MOMENT- Just wanted to clarify so I don't get attacked by an angry Wattpad user-...I put a trigger warning for a reason-)

"It was only going to be one cut...I know I promised I'd stop, but...I'm sorry." His voice broke as he spoke; he sounded as if he were on the verge of tears. He shook his head pitifully, picking at the bells on his wrists. "I'm sorry."

"Stop. Just- Stop apologizing. I don't want to hear you when you sound like this, especially when it's partially my fault," I pulled him in close, holding him fast. (A/N: Meaning he held Moon tightly-)

Moon flinched at the touch, sending another pang of guilt through my chest, but he wrapped his arms around me anyway. He leaned his head into my should and sobbed quietly into it, "I-I'm sorr- I mean-..I st-still love you, Sun."

He hesitated when saying my name, which nearly broke my heart in half considering what I'd told him just moments ago. "I love you too, Starlight," I pecked him lightly on the forehead, "Now, please don't cry because of me...I didn't mean any of it..Please don't cry.."

I rubbed his back in slow, soothing circles, like he'd do to me sometimes when I woke up from my nightmares, to hopefully calm him down. He sniffed, "I didn't think you'd get so upset.."

"Guess I know now, heh..." He chuckled softly, attempting at wiping his tears. Him trying to make light of the situation made me smile. I moved to hold his face in my hands, helping to wipe away his tears with my thumbs. Moon purred and rubbed his faceplate against my hand gently, closing his eyes. 

One eye fluttered open, gazing into mine lovingly and forgivingly. Softening my gaze, I pulled him in close, kissing him. He melted into my touch, purring and pulling me closer. We separated after a good moment of living in the moment.

"So," Moon was first to break the silence, "Does this mean I can still call you 'My Sunshine'?" I giggled, "You can call me whatever you like, Starlight."

He smiled, "That's good to hear...I won't make fun of you again." His voice was calm once again and he sounded like he was willing to listen to me talk about Eclipse now.

But we'll talk about that another time, right now it was just us..


Was that too much? I deleted the whole thing twice and I'm contemplating rewriting this chapter again because the knife scene might be too much- Yall tell me and I'll replace it with something else-

But I love writing angst, it makes my chapters ~'-extra detailed-'~

-I'm also a hopeless romantic,

Still Jackie :')

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now