Chapter 47: An Eclipse Case (Part 2)

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Tw: Eclipse, flashback setting/chapter, swearing, LORE

I'm running out of things to put as chapter art (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')


(3rd Person POV)

"Pulled another gear, did he?" 

"Yeah, I-"

"Yeah, he did. Again."

"Hey, I can-"

"God, how many times will it be until he learns his lesson?"

"I can hear you, y'know-!"

"Hand me that wrench over there so I can fix it. Thanks."

"Just talk to me! I'm right he- ACK-!"

Eclipse jumped and jerked away in both surprise and pain as the mechanic, whose name he hadn't learned yet, tightened a bolt in the base of his neck, causing a gear to grind painfully before popping back into place.

"Faz- That hurt-!" Eclipse snapped, rubbing the back of his neck and shooting the mechanic a glare, "If you'd just tell me how these things worked, I wouldn't always be coming back here to get them fixed!"

"If you were more careful, you wouldn't have to be fixed at all!" The mechanic barked back, "Now hold still! I need to fix this damn thing!" They pulled Eclipse back so he was facing away from them, grabbing hold of the back of his head and forcefully tightening the bolt further until it wouldn't budge. Eclipse squirmed and yelped in pain, but knew better than to fight against a mechanic's work, lest he wish to be opened up and 'fixed' further.

Once the mechanic was done, however, he quickly pulled away the moment that he knew that they were finished. "That's all that I came here for," He huffed, not daring to meet the harsh and glaring gaze of the mechanic and get reprimanded for returning it. He's always had a habit of blurting out the first things that came to his mind, which more often times than not got him in trouble rather than people found endearing.

"Good. If that's all, go ahead and get back to the daycare," The mechanic wiped their hands on a rag and sighed, "And don't bother asking the question--you already know it's a no."
It wasn't exactly a well-known fact that Eclipse had a certain hyperfixation for robotics, always fascinated by what the mechanics in P&S could do to keep him and his friends up and running without a struggle. Sadly, despite wishing to learn more and be able to make things of his own, all of his requests to be taught were turned down and denied.

Eclipse huffed and rolled his eyes, though a cocky smirk made its way onto his face. "You guys know me way too well," He said with just as much sass as he was actually known to have, "But c'moooonnnn- If you teach me, then I won't be in here bothering you as much!"

"If I teach you, you'll be even more of a hassle to the mechanics team as a whole," The mechanic grumbled, "But the thought of eventually having less work on our hands does sound tempting..." They crossed their arms and thought for a minute, then sighed. "Go find Ivy," They said finally, giving Eclipse a slight nod, "She'll be able to teach you more than any of us can. Plus she's the only one who can be bothered to teach you at all-"

Eclipse perked up and grinned widely, "Seriously-?" He hopped off the table and went over to hug the mechanic tightly, at which they promptly tried to push him away--to no avail. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He exclaimed, clearly ecstatic about this.

"Alright- Alright-!" The mechanic wheezed out, squirming in his arms, "I get it-! You're happy! Now let me down!!"
Eclipse set them down, yet still held them by their shoulders. "You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you Mr...uh-" He studied the name badge on the mechanic's chest pocket for a second, squinting at it, "Eden!"

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now