Chapter 15: Memoirs

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(Lunar's POV)

I flopped onto the bed in my new room that that other animatronic had lent me. Sun, was his name? 

A buzz comes from my pocket, and I pull out my Faz-watch- Er, phone? Watch-Phone? The one that the mechanics had given me back in P&S when they told me to get inside of that cramped, wooden box. 

On screen was a notification for a text marked 'URGENT', so I pulled it up and read what was there for me to see.

'Lunar, you already know who this is,' I roll my eyes, Eclipse, 'I find myself wondering what you're doing. I assume you're settling into your new home. Now is not the time to be making friends; you need to stay focused. Get to know those replacements, and find their weaknesses. I expect you to succeed.'

When I read the last word, I turned off my phone, tossed it to the side, and groaned. "Why does he have to be so bitter about what'd happened decades ago?!" I asked myself aloud. "Who am I kidding? Eclipse will hold onto a grudge until he finally dies..."

I have to think for a long time to come up with a reason we were together in the past. 'I was young and stupid. Eclipse promised me many things; he gave me everything I wanted, but I'm still not sure if I was happy, even then,' The memories Eclipse and I shared played through my mind.

'Maybe he never really loved me. After all, he only ever paid attention to me when he wanted something...' I can't help but tear up at the thought.

We had our happy moments, too. Although he was toxic and abusive, Eclipse at least cared enough to keep me out of harm's way.

I turned over onto my side and curled into a ball, holding onto a pillow to cuddle. I closed my eyes and sighed, and I began to reminisce on those happier times.



The timer rang out in the daycare and I uncovered my eyes, "Ready or not, here I come!" A few giggles and hushed whispers came from children inside the play structures, and I made a few rounds around the daycare looking for stragglers.

When I found none, I heaved an exaggerated sigh and let my arms fall limply to my sides, "Where did you all go? Wow, am I bad at seeking!" I smiled when I heard giggles nearby, so I rushed to the noise and pulled away some blankets on the floor to reveal two kids hiding underneath.

"Found you!" I said, and the two squealed and ran. "Hey! That's cheating!!" I ran after them, making a scene in the daycare, when the large wooden doors creaked open and Eclipse entered. 

The two kids ran up to Eclipse and jumped up onto him so I wouldn't be able to catch them. "Ack-! Get off of me you little gremlins!" Eclipse tried to shake them off as one clung to his leg tightly.

Seeing him struggle and flail around desperately convinced the other children to join in this new game of harassing Eclipse. They flooded out from all sorts of nooks and crannies, swarming around him like bugs.

He was forced to the ground by many grabby, little hands. "LUNAR! HELP ME GET THESE TINY MONSTERS OFF!!" He screamed in my direction. I covered my mouth to stifle my snickers and obliged.

Once I'd set aside the last child, Eclipse stood up and brushed down his clothes to smooth them out, "Thank you." He put his four arms behind his back as he looked down on me, "Now then, why don't we have a talk after hours? I need to tell you something privately."

His expression was nonchalant, but he was clearly hiding a smile; the corners of his mouth would curl upwards occasionally, only for them to be suppressed into a frown. 

Given the impression that something good was going to happen, I nodded. A stupidly big smile plastered on my face. He chuckled, "Don't get too excited. You'll see what it is soon enough.."

I huffed and crossed my arms, giving him a look, "Eclipse, you know I can't stand it when you tell me you have a surprise and then make me wait for it! That defeats the whole purpose of the surprise!!" He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Yeah, I know. Meet me upstairs in a few hours."

He brushed past me and headed up the steps to our rooms. "Should've known he wouldn't help me with work..." I muttered as I watched him disappear upstairs. 


After I watched the last parents pick up their kids, I closed the wooden doors and pressed my back against them. I sighed, "Wow that was a long day. Wish Eclipse would help me out with work sometime..."

As I said his name I remembered that he wanted to see me after hours, so I quickly make my way upstairs. I knock on his door, "Eclipse? You wanted to see me?" There was a click from the other side and the door creaked open.

Eclipse looked down at me, a hand on the doorframe and a subtle smile on his face, "Glad you remembered. Please, come in." He stepped aside and held the door open for me, to which I smiled. Then, when I'd already entered his bedroom and sat on the bed, Eclipse shut the door and relocked it behind him. His smile fell as he turned to me.

"Lunar, we need to have a talk," He walked up to the bed, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes down at me, "About your behavior, as of late." I shrunk in on myself, nervous. Eclipse got carried away when he was upset, and I wasn't too keen on another trip to Parts and Services so soon..


Yeahhh soooo-

I'm not dead? 

I got sick (Which caused me to rush writing this chapter, so it probably looks kinda terrible-), and I was planning on writing two or three chapters ahead, but since there was such a huge delay on this chapter I'm going to post it and work on the next few to hold onto.

So it might be a while before the next chapter-

-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now