Chapter 53: One a Many Sleepless Days

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Tw: Insomnia(? Is that considered a tw-? idk), mentions of Moon, swearing, implied sex

(Sun's POV)

"Sun, what are you doing-???"

I looked up from the bag of Sundrop gummy-candies to see Bloody staring down at me in a mix of confusion and concern. I was sitting at the security desk in the daycare, paperwork strung out in front of me and the daycare-closing screen/format pulled up on the computer. Empty candy wrappers littered the desk and a bit of the floor.

"..Whut-?" I blinked up at him with a mouthful of candies. 

Bloody opened his mouth to say something, but just sighed and shook his head. "Why are you eating a whole bag of your energizing candies-??" He hooked a claw into the bag's opening to pull it away from me, but I just snatched it back. I swallowed the candy I was eating and huffed, "I'm hungry! And I wanted something sweet!"

"If you're hungry, I could've just run off to the kitchen to nab you something-!" Bloody huffed back, "Plus, you won't be able to sleep later if you eat those!"
I nodded and hugged the bag to my chest, "Yeah! Exactly! Maybe I don't want to sleep!"

He blinked down at me, furrowing his eyebrows. "Wait- How many of those did you eat-?" He asked cautiously.

I looked down at the bag, peering inside. There were only three candies left.

"Uhm- A lot-?"

Bloody sighed, exasperated. "Is this because of the nightmares-?" He asked softly, turning to lean back against the desk.
I shrugged. "Maybe..." I set the mostly-empty bag down on the desk beside me, going back to typing on the computer to finish closing up the daycare, "But I really needed these! I was about to fall asleep, and the daycare is barely closed! I can't fall asleep during work!!"

"Do you want some help-?" Bloody asked, reaching over to gently grab my chin and pull my attention away from the computer, "I can take care of the paperwork and such. I've got the arms to do it all quickly, anyways." He held up all four hands, wiggling his fingers a bit, "Everything's at an arm's length here. It's the perfect job for me."

I smiled a bit and nodded, "Some help would be nice. Especially since Moon's not here, and this used to be his job..." I faltered a tad at the memory of Moon. Oh, Moon...

Bloody came around to my side of the desk, taking my place in the chair once I got up. He laced his fingers together and stretched his arms out, looking up at me with a smile. "I've got this covered. Lunar's out cleaning the naptime area, if you want to join him?"

"I think I'll just start getting a head start on the rest of the daycare," I hummed, patting Bloody's shoulder, "And thanks for the help."

"My pleasure, Sunflower," Bloody grinned, before getting to work. His upper arms worked on closing the daycare, while the lower two worked on paperwork, eyes glancing between the two.
Bloody's expression changed from cheery and joyful to focused, and it oddly made him look cold and mean. Very un-Bloody. Odd.

I snatched the last few candies out of the bag when Bloody wasn't looking, quickly unwrapping them and popping them into my mouth. I stuffed the trash into my pocket.

I walked off to go clean, nabbing a few supplies from the storage closet on the way. Like routine, I started with the arts-n-crafts tables.

"'Sunflower', huh? Wow." Wisp appeared across from me, floating midair on his stomach with his head laying on his detached hands, "Man, that BloodMoon is down bad for you."
My eye twitched. "You're seriously back-??" I huffed, annoyed, "I thought you were supposed to only come around when I'm asleep!" I tried to keep my voice relatively quiet so Bloody couldn't hear me and think that I was talking to myself.

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now