Chapter 20: Trust

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Art by: TheFallenHumanChild

Thank you for allowing me to use your amazing works in my story :D

Now for chapter :)


(Moon's POV)

We had some time before our appointment in P&S, which I dreaded. 

Sun and Lunar were downstairs painting with each other and seemed to be having fun, while I stood hanging over the balcony watching. 'I wonder if Lunar would have his own routine for his check-up? If he got one that is,' I pondered.

I zoned out for a while and was only brought back when Sun called to me from below: "Hey! It's time to go; they scheduled the check-up to happen early in the morning!"

Groaning, I reluctantly head downstairs and join the two for the journey to P&S.


"Lucky for you two, someone managed to download a virus onto the computer, so we won't be doing the AI test today." A mechanic came to greet us and told us the news, to which Sun's mood brightened. Then he looked like he realized something and looked nervous. (A/N: I'm not writing out that they went through their memory files and then basically watched p0rn-)

After the mechanic left, I rubbed his back soothingly and asked, "What's the matter? You've got something on your mind?" He shook his head rapidly and his regular happy expression shone through again, "Nope! I'm fine, Moony!"

He pecked me on the cheek and skipped off to find Ali, leaving Lunar and I standing awkwardly in silence.

"Y'know, I-" Lunar started. "Save it," I cut him off and walk off to a bench to wait for my assigned mechanic. They were usually late, so it'd be some time before I got any work done on me.

Lunar sat on the opposite end of the bench, yet scooted closer whenever I wasn't looking. "..I'm, uh, sorry for stealing your boyfriend," He apologized. I groaned, head in hands and elbows resting on knees, "You didn't 'steal' my boyfriend. I was just...Jealous, I guess."

My cheeks light up in a blue hue when I realized what I'd said. That was the first time I actually called Sunny my boyfriend...It felt good.  

"Well, then I didn't mean to make you jealous," Lunar rubbed the back of his neck and looked the other direction, embarrassed, "I hope you know I'm not trying to replace you."

"I don't think you're going to replace me. Not anymore, anyways," I stared at the ground, equally embarrassed.

"That's...Good to hear."

We were just sitting in silence. Awkward.

"Moon!" I praise the Faz-Gods when someone breaks the silence. I look up to see Amy, Ali's older sister. "Your usual mechanic called in sick, so I'll be filling in for them." She twirled a wrench around her finger and stood with her other hand on her hip.


Halfway through the check-up Amy and I started talking about our relationships. It was refreshing to have someone to actually relate to, which was one of the reasons Amy was such a good friend to me.

"So how are you and Sun doing? Did you finally get together?" She questioned while studying my shoulder. It was jammed pretty badly the last time I came here, so it needed to be inspected thoroughly before I was given the 'OK' to go about using it like I normally would.

I blushed at the question, and was glad that Amy couldn't see my face. "We're getting along fine. We started dating around Christmas time," I said nonchalantly, as if Sunny and I were always together.

Amy was quite pleased to hear this and stopped her work for a moment to say, "I always knew it would work out between you guys! I knew you've liked him for a long time, so it was just a matter of time before Sun realized."

She took her wrench and tightened a bolt in my shoulder, causing me to yelp in pain. "Sorry," She was a bit more gentle about messing with my mechanisms after that.

"'S fine...But how'd you know? I thought it wasn't obvious?" I asked, rubbing my now sore shoulder as Amy moved on to the other.

"Oh, it was obvious you liked him. You were so much sweeter around him than if it was anyone else. Not to mention all the hints you dropped. Sun may have been dense, but I'm not, especially when it comes to this kind of thing. How do you think I got my girlfriend so fast?" She spoke of Aurora, whom she'd been dating for well over a year now. (A/N: Lots of 'A' names huh?)

Aurora and Amy had hit it off almost instantly, becoming quick best friends. A while after their friendship began, both began to develop feelings for the other. Aurora had thought Amy would never feel the same, and she often came into the daycare to talk with me about it. She would have to use her lunch break to pry herself from kitchen duty, then made the trek all the way across the plex just to ask me for relationship advice.

It was ironic, considering I'd never even been in one at the time. But, all the same, I assisted her with all her worries. Barely a week after that, they showed up to work. Hand-In-Hand. Giggling and playing around the whole time I'd seen them, straying from their duties, and never leaving each other's side.

Quite a fond memory.

"Okay, okay, no need to rub your relationship's success in my face," I said in an exaggerated sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes playfully. She smacked me lightly on the wrist with her wrench, though she was smiling, too.


It wasn't long before Amy had finished fine-tuning my mechanisms and sent me on my way. As always, Sun was waiting patiently for me to join him at our usual spot: The Broken Vending Machine. The only thing that would be different from now on is that Lunar would be joining us.

I was slowly becoming accustomed to the fact that Lunar would soon be included in most of the activities that were originally just for Sun and I. It didn't bother me quite as much now that I knew Lunar wasn't trying to replace me.

Lunar was the first to spot me approaching the two and waved wildly, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen, "HEY MR. MOON!!" A few guards and mechanics shushed him and he grimaced. "Sorry! Won't happen again!" He whisper-yelled. They sighed and shook their heads, going back to their usual work.

As I got closer to the two, I noticed the small scratches on Sun's face that I'd patched up a few days ago were gone and a new paint job was even done, so his skin(?) shone under the lamplight. Though I always wondered how the gashes ever came to be...

"Nice to see that you haven't been taken apart," Sun joked, "Although, it is refreshing that they didn't rack through our brains this time." I smirked, "Especially considering what they could've seen~"

Sun flushed and punched me in the arm, "Shut up!" I rubbed my sore arm and laughed, "Whatever you say, Sunshine."

I turned to Lunar, who was giving us this odd look. As if he'd seen this happen before. He noticed me staring and perked up, "Why don't we go home now? I still have some redecorating to do for my new room!" He clasped his hands together, jumping up and down excitedly.

Sun nodded and Lunar bolted off. I turned to Sunny, "Well he certainly seems energetic."

"I wonder what gave that away?"

"No idea."


A hint:

Pay close attention to how the POV's switch and how each character describes and acts towards someone. It'll reveal some clues to something bigger. Go ahead, make some crazy theories using this information I just gave you ;P

-Thanks again TheFallenHumanChild,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now