Chapter 14: Getting An Explanation. Sort Of.

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Do you guys think I should write one or two chapters ahead to keep saved just in case something pops up and I'm not able to post for a while?


(Moon's POV)

"I know it sounds crazy, but a person in my dreams- Er, Nightmares told me to build Lunar...I'd lied when I told you about the daycare burning in them, and I wish I could've told you sooner it's just..." Sun looked away from me, ashamed.

Sun's voice was shaky as he spoke, as if he were expecting me to burst on him and start screaming accusations. He knew me well enough that I wasn't the type of person to do such a thing. Mostly.

"Just what?" I carefully turned his face back towards me. He hesitated for a second, then whispered, "I didn't think you'd believe me..." 

His attitude, the way he felt as if I would never trust him again, hurt to watch. I didn't like seeing Sun this way. "Although it does hurt that you would assume I wouldn't believe you, what hurts more is that you not only went behind my back, but made an entire animatronic nearly identical to me. All because one of your silly dream people told you to!"

He tried to protest, saying that it was much more than just a dream, that it was real enough to think we were in imminent danger, but I cut him off. "I think I've heard enough. Unless you have some actual proof that these dreams are real, I don't want to hear it," I opened the door behind me and pointed out, "Get out of my room."

"Please, Moon! You promised you'd believe me!" Sun exclaimed while teary-eyed, "Just give me some time! I know I can prove to you that they are, I just need time!" He latched onto me as he begged. Watching this display hurt me so.

Unable to withstand his desperate please, I caved, "Fine. But if you don't show me some evidence soon, then that's it. Okay?" I didn't mean to sound harsh, just serious enough for Sun to get the message. 

He nodded and wiped the tears from his face, "Okay...Thank you Moony..." I closed the door and held Sun, whispering in his ear to calm him down, "I don't want you to feel like you need to lie to me. I told you that you would be able to tell me anything, and I stand by that promise. Please, if something's wrong, then tell me. We'll work through it together."

"Thank you...Thank you so much..." Sun muttered into my chest, he seemed to be falling asleep. Sighing, I picked him up, carried him to the bed, and set him down; I made sure to cover him with the blanket, too. 

By the time I'd done that, Sun was already fast asleep. 'Sunshine, you've been so exhausted lately...Is that why you're acting so erratic?'  I gazed at Sun for a while before laying down next to him.

I pulled him close into a cuddle, to which he buried his face into my chest. I blushed. "I'm so sorry for making you feel this way, Sunshine..." I rested my head on top of his as I closed my eyes.


It feels really weird to have a short chapter right after a really long one-

Welp, no cliffhanger this time.

-See you soon

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now