Chapter 44: Poorly Timed

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Tw: Sun and Moon angst, Bloody is still kinda hurt-

Also the album Violent Things by The Brobecks is just- 

🧑‍🍳🫦👌Chef's kiss 10/10 Perfect for this story 100% Fits every time
(Sadly the song only fits half of this chapter *sobb*)

(To that one reader, you know who you are: I'm obsessed. Sue me.)


(Sun's POV)

I sniffled and clung tightly to Bloody, sobbing until I could feel the gears in my mechanical heart grinding in pain. My sobs died down a bit after I'd cried all I could, left feeling numb and sick to my stomach.

I could feel myself starting to drift off--I knew I should stay awake; I should keep Eclipse in check and not let him take control, but I just didn't care anymore...Couldn't care less..
It was pointless anyway; Eclipse would take over either way, it didn't matter how long I could keep him at bay...I might as well give up if Bloody's already left us...
I don't want to hurt anybody else the same way...

Just as I was about to close my eyes, eyelids drooping almost closed, I jolted as I felt something touch my arm. Snapping awake, wide eyed, I looked up to see Bloody wearily smiling down at me. He seemed just as exhausted as I'd been.

"..Bloody-..?" I whispered so soft and faintly that it was barely audible, as if I could hardly believe my eyes. 
He nodded a bit and brought a hand up to cup my cheek, brushing away the oil tears that had dried and stained my face. "I'm here Sunny...It's okay.." He whispered back, and I could hardly keep myself from throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him close.

"Thank Faz you're okay- I- I don't think I could've-" I choked out, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, "I-I really didn't mean for you to get hurt- It wasn't me, I swear-"

"I know, Sun...It's not your fault..." Bloody placed a hand on my back and rubbed it in slow, smooth circles, placing another hand on the back of my head to pet it soothingly, letting go of my face, "I don't blame you..."

I laid there for a while, choking back tears--though it was easier now--and finally calming down. For a moment I'd actually forgotten about Eclipse, forgotten about all of my worries. I was just so relieved that Bloody was okay...

After another moment or two, I finally sat up again, smiling slightly, though there was still sadness behind it. I sat beside him on the bed, not even realizing I was still holding his hand--previously limp and cold.
"I thought we'd lost you..." I murmured, "I thought it was all my fault-..."

Bloody threaded his fingers with mine and gave my hand a gentle squeeze, "I'd never leave without saying goodbye...I could never do that to you, or the others.."
He tried to sit up, but gasped and laid back down with a wince. 

"Don't get up-" I said quickly, looking down at him worriedly, "You're still hurt-" I clenched my fist into a ball, wanting to forget that fact--that I'd hurt him. Well, Eclipse did- But I had to live with the body.

Bloody nodded and shifted to look down at his side, breathing a soft sigh when he saw the bandages. "How long was I gone..?" He asked softly, laying back down and looking up at me.

"It- It's been a full day...Almost two now.." I murmured, "We were all worried about you...You went offline and wouldn't come back on.."
His eyes widened and he glanced around his room, realizing it didn't look like how he was used to it. "That long-?" He asked, shocked, "It felt like it was only a couple of minutes- Are the others okay??"

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ