Chapter 56: About Damn Time

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Tw: Swearing, sickeningly sweet wholesomeness, mentions of Eclipse

I'm so tired. I'm half-awkae while I write this.


(3rd Person POV)

It took a while, but Moon had finally listened to Sun's full explanation of what happened while Moon was gone. Sun had explained that he missed Moon, and Bloody was trying to help Sun with his grieving. It wasn't that Sun was trying to replace Moon, but that before Moon died Sun had tried to tell him that Bloody had confessed.

"Damn-" Moon's eyes were wide when he heard that Bloody had those kinds of feelings for the two of them, realizing his mistake, "I- Really-??"

Bloody wasn't in the room with them, both Sun and Moon laying in their own bed. Moon was laying on his back, Sun cuddled up to his side with his head laying on Moon's shoulder. Sun's arm was draped over Moon's torso, finger's laced with his boyfriend's.

Sun nodded with a sigh, "When Bloody finally woke up, he said he had to tell me something..That if he didn't tell me right then, then he never would..." He flexed his fingers in his partner's hand, giving it a small squeeze, "Then he confessed to me right then and there. I was flattered, honestly, and I felt some kind of spark with him like I do with you...But I didn't know how you'd feel about it, and I told him that. He said that he needed to talk to you, too; he needed to let you know how he felt about you too."

"Is that why he asked us if we were polyamorous that one time?" Moon looked down at Sun and raised an eyebrow. Sun nodded with an 'mhm'.

He continued, "Bloody wanted to come tell you himself, but he couldn't get up. I ended up making him stay in his bed and said that I'd get you to come see him instead."

"And then you tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen.." Moon added on, looking away with his eyes guiltily, "I- Don't really have a real excuse for putting you off so much...I know I'm a pretty shit boyfriend; I'm sorry.."

Sun sighed, "It was a bit frustrating..But- Everything turned out okay in the end! For the most part at least-"
"What did Bloody think?" Moon hummed, using the hand of the arm wrapped around Sun to rub his back gently, "I- I feel kinda bad that I just up and left right when he thought that he was gonna get to confess to me.."

"He was kind of heartbroken..." Sun admitted, "I could tell that he was in pain, but I think he pushed it all aside because he thought it wasn't as important as my pain...He was optimistic about the whole thing, though; he kept insisting that you would be okay, and that I would be too. I detested him a bit for that, honestly.."
He closed his eyes loosely, furrowing his eyebrows, "For the longest time, I didn't really like Bloody all that much...I was flattered that he liked me, but it didn't really click. Plus it also felt like I was betraying you if I did like him that way.."

He let out a small huff, burying his face in Moon's side, "I ended up just pushing him away the whole time. I could tell that he was hurt by it, especially since I basically told him that I loved him back already, but in my grief I didn't care. I hate that I didn't care.."

"..Do you care now-?"

"Of course I care now!!" Sun huffed, "I may not have loved him then, but once I finally let him comfort me, I started to...He's sweet, and kind, and funny, and sometimes he's a bit shy about asking for attention..He's a good guy.." He smiled a bit, though the smile faltered a tad, "Before you walked into the daycare earlier today, Bloody and I were just talking and planning the day out. He was acting a bit nervous, and when I asked if he was okay, he said that he wanted something from me. He said that he'd wanted to ask it for a bit, but didn't want me to feel like he was taking things to fast -- especially since it hadn't even been a month since you left...You can probably guess what he asked-"

"He just wanted a kiss?" Moon raised an eyebrow. Sun nodded, "That's really all it was. It wasn't going to escalate any further than that."

Moon let out a hum, thinking. After a bit, he looked down to Sun curiously, "Do you love him?" Sun choked and his face started to heat up, taken by surprise. "I-I mean-..Yes- I really do-" He admitted, embarrassed, "But that's not to say that I don't love you too! I love you both.." He looked up at Moon, who was deep in thought as he stared up at the ceiling.

"..If he really makes you that happy," Moon finally spoke, "Then I'm fine with a polyamory." Sun's eyes lit up and he quickly latched onto his partner, trying not to squeal, "Seriously-?! You'd let me do that??"
Moon gently shushed him with a finger. "But-" His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed worried, "Promise me you won't go spend more time with him and leave me behind. Promise, please.."

Sun's expression faltered and turned soft, reaching a hand up to cup Moon's cheek, "I promise, Starlight. I'd never do that, trust me." He pressed a kiss to his other cheek, rubbing their noses together in an Eskimo kiss, "You're my other half, Moon; I could never live without you.."

Moon smiled and let out a soft purr, leaning into Sun's touch. He gave a small nod of confirmation. "I love you...You know that?" He cooed, eyes going half-lidded.
"How could I not?" Sun joked playfully, laying his head back down on Moon's shoulder, "I love you too, Starlight."
Moon just purred louder at that.

"..Are you purring again-?" Sun looked up at him with an amused look, teasing as he said, "Aww, cute little kitty~"
Moon's face turned a deep blue hue, "I'm not a cat-!" But he still purred even more as Sun scratched under his chin. "Mhm, sure," Sun teased with a giggle.

Moon huffed and looked away, embarrassed. He stopped purring after a bit and pulled back, laying his head back against his pillow.
"You okay Moony-?" Sun hummed, cocking his head to the side. He could tell that Moon wanted to ask him something, but wasn't sure how to word it.

"..How-" Moon hesitated, not looking at Sun, "..How is it with Eclipse? Are you still having nightmares?"

Sun sighed, already having known that this question was coming. "The nightmares aren't as bad anymore..I know what to expect from them now..." He huffed, "As for Eclipse: He's more a nuisance than a threat now."

"That's- Good-?" Moon raised an eyebrow, "I'm just glad you're not suffering as much, then.."
"Please, it's still suffering," Sun joked, cuddling up to Moon. He huffed, burying himself in Moon's arms, "Now lets just cuddle and relax. I'm tired of doom and gloom."

"Fiinneeeee." Moon gave an exasperated huff and an overdramatic roll of his eyes, obviously playful. He still turned onto his side and curled around Sun with a purr, holding him close as he wrapped his arms around Sun's body. "Goodnight, Sunshine."

"Goodnight, Starlight."


Yay the first purely fluff chapter ever since the beginning of the book


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