Chapter 16: A Bad Nightmare

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Tw: Lunar had a nightmare :[

This chapter is supposed to replace the old chapter 16, which I hated and wanted to retcon for the longest time. I've finally decided to go through with it, so here is the NEW chapter 16.


(Lunar's POV)

I jolted awake, clutching my chest as I heaved. I was shaking heavily as I came to the realization that it was just a dream.

Just a dream. Just- A bad dream...

I laid back down to help calm myself down, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Tears came to my eyes as I ruminated on the memory I was just forced to relive.
Stupid Eclipse. I hate him. I hate him.

He'd scolded me that day. Told me I was useless and was only good for keeping the children distracted. I didn't understand why he told me all those things; I did everything I was supposed to..
He wanted me to cover for him while he finished working on some 'project' for me, but wouldn't ever tell me what it was. I still had no clue what he was working on..

I realized there were some gaps in my memory as I tried to recall what might've happened to Eclipse that made him so mean. I couldn't remember anything at all from before that day. That dream.

It frustrated me to not know what it was like before I was rebuilt. I could remember a few things after that, but not before. The rest of Eclipse's days went on almost just the same: Him scolding me and verbally abusing me, all up until his decommission. After that...



This was pretty short, I know. It was meant to just be a filler chapter so it didn't make the timeline wonky. There's a lot of filler chapters, actually-

Anyways, I finally got to retcon that disgusting chapter, so yay!

Time to continue writing chapter 50

-Still Jaques :]

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