Chapter 7: Malfunctions (Part 1)

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Tw: Swears

I kinda gave up on finding art to match the chapters so just enjoy this wonderful art I found!

Now for chapter :)


Moon's POV:

An alarm blared in my ears, causing me to jump awake and fall off the bed. 

I land on the floor with a heavy thud and curse at the wretched clock. After turning the clock off-by which I mean I may or may not have bashed it against the floor because I couldn't find the off button-I realize Sun is still laying on me. I blush, his head is resting on my chest plate and is breathing softly.

He seems so peaceful...I wonder how he didn't wake up from all of that?

It's only 5:30am, and the daycare opens later than the rest of the pizzaplex, so I think I can let him rest like this for a little while longer. In response to me wrapping my arm around him, he nuzzles his body closer.

He sighs and my heart instantly melts.

'Shit, what do I do?! Do I just sit here and watch him sleep?? No that's creepy-'  

Carefully, I lift Sun off of me and set him down on the bed. After clothing and tucking him back in, I put my clothes back on as I remember what had happened last night. 

'The hell was I thinking?! Sun only thinks of me as a friend! . . .So then why didn't he stop me?'

I shake my head, 'Whatever- It doesn't matter, Sun's too dense to notice my feelings or catch any for me anyways.'

The room is a mess, why didn't I notice it before? 

There are books falling off of their shelves, papers spread out across the desk and floor nearby, dirty laundry is piled in the corner on a chair, and a mysterious stain is on the ceiling. I grimace, how could someone so obsessed with neatness be so messy at the same time? 

Without a moment's notice I begin tidying up the place. 


There! Everything's in its proper place!

The books were straightened and I even organized them by subject! I took the liberty of doing Sun's laundry for him and scrubbed that weird stain off the ceiling as well. It smelled weird and mold was growing on it, from what I could tell it could've been Fizzy-Faz? (A/N: Take your best guess as to what that stain was)

The papers turned out to be drawings from the children so I hung them up on the walls with the others, there also seemed to be some notes scrawled into the margins of some test results from a while back. It was all chicken scratch to me so I just set them aside in a stack on the corner of the desk.

While I was cleaning I uncovered some journals, but I resisted the urge to read them. I don't want to invade Sun's privacy, so I just set them on the desk as well.


I turned. Sun was curled into a ball, shivering. I went up to him and knelt down next to the bed.

"I'm here Sunshine, it's okay. It's just a nightmare," In an attempt to soothe him, I rubbed his head and held his hand.

He seemed to calm down a bit. These nightmares have been more frequent recently, and it's been harder to wake Sun from them. Sun used to be so full of energy, and afraid of nothing.

Nowadays, though, he's been exhausted and more irritable. Not to mention the fact that he absolutely refuses to sleep anymore. Although Sun has always been a workaholic, this is getting out of hand.

I sigh, "I'm really worried about you Sunshine..."


Sun's POV:

Cold. Dark. Silent.

It's this same dream again.

Only this time, I know what to expect.

"You're back." The corrupted version of me stepped out of the shadows, "Oh? Why such a long face, friend? Didn't you miss me?"

"Who are you and why do you keep appearing in my dreams?" I'm not going to play along with this thing, not this time.

It laughed and tilted its head to the side, "So serious! Come on, you know who I am, though you may not remember it..." I glared at it.

The crooked smile it wore across its face like a mask turned into a frown, and it stood straight, "You really hate me, don't you? Fine. I'll tell you...For a price."

What could it possibly want from me? I barely have access to anything outside of the daycare, making me basically useless. 

"A price?"

It smiled again, the orange luminescent eyes glowing faintly, "Of course, nothing is truly free without a price. In exchange for the answers to your questions you will give me your services."

I eyed it suspiciously, "What kind of services?"

The sound of a music box , the same one that I heard the first time I was here, came from the void and my consciousness started slipping, "You'll see, for now it's time for you to wake up."

Suddenly it was hard to keep my eyes open, "No wait! I need answers!"

Everything was fading rapidly, "I need to know...What's your name..."

The last thing I heard was hard to make out, but it sounded like "Eclipse".



As I promised, the chapter I would post today (~ ̄▽ ̄)↗ 

I think I'm getting a little too obsessed with the lore I made up a year ago for a rp and just shoving it into this story- Oh well, tell me what you think of this story so far and feel free to make any sort of suggestions and/or requests

Like please I'm running out of ideas that aren't for angsty lore-filled chapters ;-;

Well anyways that's all for now

-See you soon,

Still Jackie :)

((CONTINUED VER.)) Starlight and Sunshine: Sun x MoonWhere stories live. Discover now