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Yeira's POV

Lexi walked in on me folding paper. She stopped to stare before the look of realization crossed her eyes. I smiled and held up my hummingbird origami.

"Origami is so cool. And that's perfect because it leads me into what I wish to say next."

"What? My parents are pissed?"

"Your parents are actually on a mission of sorts and won't be informed until they come back. But, that's not what I wanted to say." I placed the paper down and stared at her. "So the information traveled to your aunts since they're the headmistresses. And since your parents aren't able to be reached and I'm your guardian-"

"What's wrong, Lex?"

"Your math professor... he complained about you not attending classes."

"Oh." I went back to folding paper.

"Yei." She whined.

"I hate classes. Classes are boring. You have to sit there and pretend to pay attention. I rather do literally anything else. Can't you tell him no?"

"Remember, Hailey gave me a stern talking-" I groaned as she spoke. "And you need to go to class. Come on. It's math and you love math."

"I do, but not attending the lecture part."

"You have to go or you'll be kicked out."

"That doesn't seem so bad." I ignored her.

"No access to the hard problems any more." I stopped folding when she said that. "That means that you can't challenge yourself intellectually anymore. And you'll be relegated to those stupidly simple problems all the other kids get." I placed the paper down. "Now, we can't have that. Can we?"

"When's the next lecture?" I fully faced her.

"It already started."

I zoomed past Lexi and made it to the classroom. The professor was in the middle of teaching when I barged in. Everyone looked at me while I looked for an open seat. I spotted one in the far back. Instead of walking along the corners of the room, I walked into the middle and shuffled between the desks until I made it to the empty one. Everyone watched as I sat down. I brightly smiled and placed my hands on the desk.

The teacher gave me a look before continuing to teach. I zoned out the entire time and stared out the window. I heard him tell us to start on the problem. Everyone either opened their notebooks or used their tablets. Unfortunately, I had brought nothing. I raised my hand, prompting him to call on me.

"Yes, Miss Yeira."

"I don't have paper."

"Ahh, sure." He ripped a page and handed it to me. The other kids silently judged me as he sat back down. I then raised my hand again. "Yes, Miss Yeira."

"I also don't have a pencil." The other kids face palmed as he handed me one. "Thank you!" He smiled and went back to his desk. I stared at the problem and wasn't sure what he wanted us to do since I wasn't paying attention, so I raised my hand again.

"Miss Yeira?" He addressed me.

"You've got to be kidding me." This girl muttered under her breath.

"How are we supposed to solve this?"

"More like how'd you even get here?" This guy spoke, causing half the class to laugh.

"I walked here obviously." I gave him a look since that was a stupid question. The guy stared at me dumbfounded.

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