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Yeira's POV

Hana and I were playing video games when there was a knock on my door. I planned to ignore it, but Hana shoved me to answer it. I groaned and paused the game before walking to the door. Hana then cheated by unpausing the game and killing me. I gasped in shock while she stuck her tongue out. I rolled my eyes and answered the door.

"Radna?" My eyes popped.

"Don't be too surprised." He pushed past me.

"Thought you died. Like exploding guts type of died."

"I did, but Kikimora revived me." He explained.

"Hmm... missed opportunity by her." I smirked at his glare. "Why'd you come here?"

"I need your help." He plopped a book on my coffee table. "Did some digging and my brother is alive, but my sister couldn't give a remote shit."



"Who- oh! I know him!" I snapped.

"How?" He appeared apprehensive.

"He freed me when Addison trapped me in a Hell loop. Well, not freed me, but guided me out of it."

"When were you in Hell again?"

"Oh, you've got a lot to learn." I cackled and then noticed Hana appearing lost. "I guess it's best to start with introducing her. That's Hana." I pointed at her.

"Hello." He kinda dismissed her.

"That's Radna, Kikimora's brother."

"So you're a devil." Hana slowly stood.

"Yeah." He went back to flipping through the book. "Look here." He pointed at something about flaming candles. "If a flare still lit, then the person is alive. My brother, who we presumed to be dead, has a burning flame. He's alive and I need to save him to disrupt whatever evil plot his kidnapper has."

"Where do you even suspect he is?" I sat where Hana stood.

"No, I don't even know who has him."

"Why so desperate to free him? I thought none of you liked each other."

"Like how you are with your family." He angled back.

"Can't argue with that." I raised my hands.

"Ya, you can." Hana cut into the conversation. "You actually secretly like yours." She eyed me. "So I don't know the exact ins and outs of everything, but I think Kiki is trying to find some type of solution-"

"To Addison slowly being killed. Ya, I know. She tasked me with finding her son-"

"Blake's here." I cut him off.

"Just found that out." He spoke with a bite. "She's trying to keep us monitored and confined to Hell, but I need to save Baalam, so screw her."

"I agree with that." I jumped up. "I have the screw Kikimora mentality as well."

"For the totally wrong reasons." Hana crossed her arms.

"Help me find him." Radna spoke.

"I can't." I watched him jerk back in shock. "I'm grounded here." I rolled my eyes. "Not allowed to leave Croatia."

"Since when do you give a shit?"

"I don't care what my parents says, but..." I looked towards Hana.

"It's because her life is in danger by her great-grandmother." Hana commented.

Prey for the Devil's Bloodied Angel WingsWhere stories live. Discover now