Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!

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"THAT IS SO COOL!" [Chopper]

"HELL YEAH!" [Usopp]

"AMAZING!" [(Y/N)]

Franky put his super cool mechanical arms on his hips as Chopper danced around him asking about missiles and laser eyes, and I can't blame him. I was about to do the same!

"I will carry your dreams on my massive metal shoulders! Wow! I'm back and better than ever! I'm not just me... I've armored me, baby!"

Usopp grabbed me by the hood on the back of my cloak as he held Chopper like a balloon, "Hey, you two! Stop fangirling before you have heart attacks!"

"H-he's so cool, I think I might die!" I cried, waving my arms around as Chopper agreed with me.

Usopp successfully calmed me down, and we had to get a rag to help Chopper. He got so excited, he nearly passed out, so we placed a cold rag on his forehead.

"One thing's bugging me, though," Usopp turned from Chopper towards Franky, "Those giant Robo hands are great for fashion, but how are you supposed to do detail work?"

Franky held his hand up and a little tiny yellow hand came out of it, "Never doubt the master."

"Woah, dude!" [Usopp, (Y/N)]

I ran over to him and held his hand, uncontrollably giggling to myself as watched the hand.

"T-iny... pfft- Tiny Hand!..."

As we were messing around, I caught Nami and Robin watching us.

"Robin!" I cheered. I went over and hugged her tightly around the waist, "I missed you so much!"

"(Y/N)!" She said in a surprisingly happy tone, "It's good to see you and everyone else so full of life! And you've grown so much!"

Nami looked towards Franky and groaned, "Man, he looks terrible."

I gasped dramatically, "He does not!"

Robin laughed, "It's Franky. Don't ask."

Nami set her bags down, and I took a notice of the small bubble layer gently surrounding the ship.

"Huh? Woah, this must be the coating, huh?" Nami said, startled.

"Wanna see something else cool?" I overheard Franky behind me, and immediately joined him, scaring Usopp.

"What? What's cool?!" I asked.

"Press my nose!" [Franky]

"Your nose?" [Usopp]

"Press and hold it. For like, three seconds or mo-" [Franky]

"Apply pressure to the nasal area, human." [Robot Franky]

Usopp slowly went to press his nose as I could barely hold in my curiosity.

Once three seconds was up, Franky's hair went from buzzed to almost an electrocuted style, as Chopper, Usopp, and I all fell backwards.

"Woah, he grew hair!" [Usopp]

"Hair!" [Chopper]

"Wait a sec, can you style it?!" [(Y/N)]

We all rejoined him as he brought back is original haircut, "Easy as pie!"

Franky waved to Nami, and Nami didn't seem too pleased about his new appearance. I can feel her concern, however. No matter how cool he looks, he will draw attention.

I went back over to Nami and Robin, calming myself down in time to see Rayleigh and Shakky on the island next to the ship.

"Hey, Rayleigh! Hey Shakky!" Nami called, leaning on the rail as I went between her and Robin, dangling my arms over the rail.

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