Chapter 16

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Madelyn's POV: 

After being consoled by my mom, my dad arrived home from work.

"Oh, hey hon. I wasn't expecting to see you." My dad said as we hugged each other. "Is everything ok?" He asked while looking at my tear stained cheeks.

"I'm pregnant..." I said staring down at the floor.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok? How are you feeling?" he asked. 

"Not great, emotional. I haven't decided what I'm doing yet, but Chase knows and everything." I responded.

I texted Chase letting him know that I was staying for dinner at my parents house. I knew he probably wouldn't want to be alone either so I made sure to leave early so I was back by 7. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye and thanked them for their support.

When I arrived home, a big bouquet of roses and a bag of all my favorite snacks were sitting on the kitchen counter. I smiled.

"Chase?" I called out.

"Hey," He said as he emerged from the bedroom. His eyes appeared soft and red, as if he was crying. 

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm just a little emotional." He responded.

"Me too, and thank you for the flowers and snacks, I love you." I replied.

We hugged for a couple minutes and then snuggled up on the couch watching the Bachelorette.

I awoke in a cold sweat, still next to Chase on the couch. It was 4:46 AM. I felt a sudden tinge of nausea come on and rushed to the bathroom where I threw up 4 times. I sat down and wiped the sides of my mouth and caught my breath. Chase entered quickly.

"You're ok, Mads." Chase said as he helped me to my feet.

"It must be morning sickness," I said, "I feel like shit."

After Chase helped me clean myself up, we went back to bed, but in the bedroom this time. We faced each other, laying on the bed.

"No matter what you decide, I know you'll make a wonderful mother, whether that's now or in the future." he whispered.

I smiled and brushed his hair out of his eyes with my fingers.

At that moment, I knew I wanted to keep the baby. I was only 23, but I knew. When I looked at Chase, it felt like home, and I wanted to start a family with him. 

"I think I want to keep it..." I whispered, nervously anticipating his reaction.

"You do?" He replied with subtle excitement. 

"Yeah, do you?" I asked.

"I do. I love you so much. I can't wait for this journey with you." He said.

" I love you too. Can we not tell people yet though, except our families? I kind of want to keep this private for now." I asked.

"Of course, that makes sense." He said.

A few hours later, I awoke happy. When Chase woke up we touched noses and kissed. I opened my mouth slightly allowing Chase's tongue to enter. He slid his hands down my body causing me to get chills. 

'You're glowing." Chase said in between kisses.

I smiled and pressed my lips against his. 

The next day, we were off to the OBGYN. I had made an appointment yesterday so I could get an ultrasound and everything. Before heading to the doctor, I called my mom. I told her and my dad that I was keeping the baby over speaker. I also told her not to tell anyone, and that Chase and I were trying to keep it private. If the media found out, it would be an absolute circus. She and my dad congratulated me and said how proud they were of both me and Chase. 

When we arrived, I was called back for a urine and blood sample. They wanted to make sure I was actually pregnant because sometimes the at home tests are faulty. Afterwards, a nurse came in to confirm the pregnancy and to do an ultrasound. 

"Hi Madelyn!" The nurse started, "If you wouldn't mind just hopping up on the bed for me and pulling up your shirt." She said. I did that as Chase looked at me with sparkling eyes. I could tell he was both nervous and excited. 

"Alright, this will just feel a little cold, ok?" The nurse said as she squirted a freezing gel onto my lower stomach. I flinched because of the temperature as Chase held my hand. She glided the ultrasound wand across my belly and pulled up the image on the screen. It kind of only looked like a dark blob but I couldn't stop staring at it.

"There's your little one! It looks like you're about 4 weeks along." The nurse said. Chase and I looked at each other and smiled. He moved the hair out of my face and cupped my cheek, stroking my face with his thumb. "We won't be able to hear the heartbeat yet but the baby appears to be developing normally." She said. 

We made a follow up appointment for 3 weeks later just to make sure everything was on track. Chase and I walked out hand in hand holding the sonogram pictures of our baby. I was so excited, and I could tell that Chase was as well.

The only other person we told besides my parents and Chase's parents was Jonas. Even though I was at the very beginning of my pregnancy and I could still do all of the normal day to day filming activities, I thought he should know. He congratulated us and promised to keep his lips sealed. 

That night I went over to Madison's apartment for some Maddie time. I had missed her. We hadn't had any scenes together in a while so I only really saw her in passing.

"Babe!" Madison squealed as she answered the door. 

"Heyyy, ready for dinner and a movie?" I asked.

I sat down and browsed Netflix for a movie as she handed me a big bowl of rice, beans and chicken. I thanked her and then realized she was also handing me a glass of wine.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm not gonna drink tonight." I said still keeping my secret. I really wanted to tell Madison, but I knew I should wait for the right time. Chase and I hadn't discussed when we would reveal it to friends yet. Once it was out to friends, it would probably have to be out to the public as well, and we weren't ready for that.

"What? Never in my life have I seen Maddie Cline turn down a glass of white wine!" She exclaimed.

I laughed and could feel myself blushing. "I know, I just shouldn't be drinking while on my medications." That was a lie. I could drink a little on my medications, but not while pregnant.

"Oh, ok. That's fine, looks like it's a wine night for only one Maddie!" Madison said.

I was relieved that she didn't question my further. We watched Tangled and ate our dinner. I thought to myself how lucky am I to have such an amazing best friend.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now