Chapter 46

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Chase's POV:

1 Month Later

Over the past month, Madelyn and I had been relaxing so we'd have enough energy for the next months of tight filming schedules and other events for season 3. We'd be starting production tomorrow! We wouldn't be filming yet, just having meetings, table reads, and costume fittings. 

Maddie seemed good, besides the small hiccup in New York. We were both seeing our therapists weekly. I was feeling a lot better too. I was still anxious from time to time, but no longer depressed. It must've just been that week long slump, but I was still in therapy anyways. It was good to learn about how to handle my emotions as well as vent about anything and everything when I needed to. 

Besides season 3 beginning tomorrow, Madelyn and I had other really exciting news. We decided that we were going to get married next month. After some discussion, we came to the conclusion that we didn't want anything extravagant or fancy. All that mattered was being surrounded by family and close friends for our special day. We would have a small ceremony on the beach and  a nice dinner with everyone afterwards. I was relieved that we didn't have to do a lot of planning, especially because it was during filming. Maddie still wanted to get a traditional wedding dress, but she was looking for something a little more casual. Madelyn and I went to the jewelers yesterday and got fitted for wedding bands. 

"I'm so excited." Maddie told me after we left the jewelers.

"Me too, I'm glad we're doing something more low-key." I replied.

"Same, I want it to be a fun day for us too. I feel like brides and grooms are always so overwhelmed at their own huge wedding parties." She said.

Madelyn and I got an early start to our night. We had to be up early the next morning for a full cast and crew meeting.

"I am not looking forward to getting up at 6:30 tomorrow." I said with a chuckle.

"I know, it's gonna suck. But at least we can see everyone. I haven't seen Drew and JD and some other people in a while." Maddie responded.

I was feeling slightly anxious about tomorrow. It was more of an excited anxious, but I hadn't worked in a while. I woke up a few minutes before my alarms went off and watched as Madelyn peacefully slept. I placed my hand on her chest, feeling it rise and fall with every breath. I turned off my alarm before it could go off and wake her up.

She rolled over and sighed deeply.

"Good morning." I whispered while poking her arm.

"What time is it?" She asked as she opened her eyes.

"It's almost 6:30." I replied.

She moaned. "I don't wanna get up." Maddie said.

"I know. You look so cozy." I said.

She rubbed her eyes with her hands and ruffled her hair.

"C'mon, I'll make you some breakfast." I added.

Maddie reluctantly sat up in bed. I walked around to the other side of the bed and took ahold of Maddie's hands as she stood up.

"I'm so fucking tired." She said.

"Let's get some coffee in you." I replied.

After Madelyn and I got ready and ate breakfast, we headed to the production office. We were greeted with cheers and smiles. Partially because we hadn't seen the crew in a while, but also because we were getting married. 

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