Chapter 83

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Chase's POV:

I went to my audition for a new TV show that morning. I wasn't feeling too confident about it considering I had been out of the acting game since OBX. I kissed Madelyn goodbye and left. I still felt bad about the night before. It hurt to see her upset, and I knew I caused some of her hurt, but I just wanted my family to be safe. I convinced myself that Madelyn and the twins would be ok, she was with Madison and Mariah anyways if something went wrong, I would probably be unreachable all day.

After the read, I was exhausted. I had already been auditioning for this show for a while, virtually. This was my first time in person, and they wanted me to do a chemistry read with the main character who was already casted. I was reading for the second most important character. I knew that this show would be a big deal, they had a well known director on it and some other really famous people booked. I didn't have much hope but I wanted to try my hardest. I had another read after a lunch break, so I decided to call Madelyn.

"Hi babe! How's it going?" She answered excitedly.

"Pretty good. How are things there?" I replied.

"Good! We just got back from the farmers market. We're gonna make soup for dinner I think. Bailey bought some squash and tomatoes and stuff." Madelyn said.

"Yummy. How are you feeling?" I asked, worried if she was still upset about last night.

"Chase, I'm good. Focus on your audition, please don't worry about me." She said with an exaggerated but joking sigh.

I laughed. " are my babies?"

"Very giggly. They literally cannot stop laughing." She replied with a few giggles of her own.

"Aww. I miss them. Alright, I should probably go back in." I said.

"Good luck babe, I'm gonna take a nap now." She said while yawning.

"Get some rest. And thanks Mads, I love you." I replied.

"I love you too. See you later." Madelyn responded before we hung up.

I reentered the audition room expecting another chemistry read. I was greeted by the director and producer. They had coy smiles on their faces.

" got the part!" One of them said excitedly.

I laughed, thinking they were joking. A few seconds later, I realized that they were serious.

"Seriously!? Thank you, thank you, oh my gosh, I'm so excited!" I said quickly and nervously. I had never been in a room with such esteemed directors and producers before. 

We talked for a little bit longer and they straightened out the details with me. My hands were shaking as I drove back to Madison's house. I couldn't wait to tell Madelyn.

I opened the door and immediately smelled roasting vegetables. I could tell that they were making something delicious, probably the soup Madelyn mentioned earlier. 

"Chase?" Madelyn called from the other room.

"Hey." I replied flatly as I took my shoes off.

Madelyn walked into the foyer with a baby on each hip. They were in fact still smiling and giggling. I assumed it was because of the weather. They hated how humid and sticky South Carolina was. Los Angeles usually had perfect late fall weather. 

Madelyn looked tired but happy. She really loved taking care of the babies. I knew she was hesitant about it at first, but I really felt that she was meant to be a mom. Our babies were so lucky to have her.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now