Chapter 30

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TW: Brief mentions of self harm

Madelyn's POV: 

The interview went surprisingly smooth. Chase held my hand the whole time and rubbed my back from time to time. After we were finished talking and taking pictures, we were escorted backstage to leave.

"You did great." Chase said with a smile on his face. I reciprocated the smile. 

"Thank you, so did you." I replied.

"Do y'all want to get lunch?" Rudy asked.

"Sure!" Chase said before looking to me for approval. I hesitated. Not only was I super tired, I didn't want to overwork my body by doing more activities.

"Mads, we can stay in, it's ok." Chase said.

I shook my head and smiled slightly. "No it's ok. You guys should go, I have to take a nap." 

"Are you sure?" Madison asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll join you guys tonight for dinner or something." I said.

"Ok, we'll bring you back to the hotel, I should change anyways." Chase said. 

I began to yawn as we entered the hotel. I was physically and mentally exhausted. 

"I'll meet you guys in a few minutes." Chase said as he closed the room door behind us. 

"I'll wait for you out here. See you later Maddie." Madison said.

Once we were alone, Chase gave me a hug. All I wanted was to be alone, but I unwillingly hugged him back. I appreciated his support, but I couldn't stand to be the center of attention any longer.

"Let's get this off you." He said referring to my dress as he unzipped it.

"Stop." I said. He didn't and kept unzipping it.

"Don't touch me." I snapped. Chase took a step back.

"Mads, did I do something wrong?" He questioned, afraid that he hurt me.

"I just- I can't-" I stuttered.

"What's wrong? Are you still not feeling good?" Chase asked.

"I need to be alone right now..." I said quietly. Chase reached his hand out to hold mine but I swatted it away.

"Maddie, you're upset, I'm not gonna leave you alone, especially now." He responded.

"I'm not gonna cut myself." I said. "I thought you trusted me."

"I do, but I don't have a good feeling about this. Talk to me." He replied.

I slid my feet out of my heels and laid down on the bed, letting out a loud sigh.

"I'm just so tired of pretending." I said.

"Pretending? Pretending what?" Chase asked. 

"These interviews, in public, I feel like all I do is pretend. It's so hard. I wanna go home." I said while starting to tear up.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." He shushed, but it only made me cry harder. "I know baby. We have a couple more tomorrow and then we can go home, ok? You're so strong and brave, I know you can do it."

"I can't! I can't do it." I cried.

I could tell that Chase was growing frustrated. "Madelyn, this is part of the job! You signed up for this! It's hard, but you have to put on a smile!" He said with a raised voice. 

I didn't say anything. I was surprised by his sudden outburst. He confirmed my thoughts that I was a burden to him. 

Realizing what he had done, Chase leaned down to hug me. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear. 

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin