Chapter 67

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Chase's POV:

My heart raced as I heard the cries of the twins. I couldn't see them yet and I didn't want to leave Madelyn's side to peek around the curtain.

"You did it Mads, I'm so proud of you." I whispered as I bent down to kiss her forehead.

She brought her shaky hand up to her face where she slowly removed the oxygen mask. Madelyn slightly jutted her lips out and I kissed them.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." I replied.

I could see how relieved she was. She was still scared, but relieved. We were both scared. Madelyn began to cry again but she was smiling at the same time. After seeing her tears, I began to cry as well. I was feeling happy, nervous, relieved, and anxious all at the same time.

I heard some chaos behind the curtain.

"Madelyn, did you hear your babies?" Dr. Kelly asked.

Madelyn let out a relaxed laugh, tears still streaming down her face. "Yes!" She said.

"You did it! They're here!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Kate and Damien are cleaning the twins up now and wrapping them in blankets, ok? You'll see them in a second." Dr. Kelly said, referring to the nurses.

"Ok." Madelyn whispered. I assumed she was still in shock.

I couldn't stop crying. I was so happy. We had been waiting for this moment forever, and it was finally here. I couldn't believe it.

"What's wrong?" Maddie asked me, reaching her hand up to my face to wipe my tears. A bunch of wires came up with her, considering she still had an IV in her hand.

"I'm just so happy." I cried.

"Aw. Me too. It's ok baby." She said quietly.

I nodded and held her head gently in my hands.

Madelyn's face tensed up and she winced.

"Does it hurt, are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"It's feels weird." Madelyn replied.

"It's almost done, ok? You're doing so good." I reassured her, my tears not subsiding.

One of my tears slipped off my face and dropped onto Madelyn's cheek. She giggled while staring into my eyes.

I heard the nurses approaching from behind the curtain. And then I heard the quiet coos of the babies.

"Here's baby A!" Kate, the nurse said. She walked over to where Madelyn's head way laying, carrying a small red baby. "This is your girl, she was first. Older by a few seconds! 4 pounds and 1 ounce." She said, lowering the baby to Madelyn's face. Maddie turned her head and kissed baby A on her cheek. The baby made a faint noise.

"She recognizes you already, mom!" Kate exclaimed.

Madelyn laughed, not taking her eyes off of the beautiful baby in front of her. I leaned down to kiss the baby's cheek. She was soft and squishy, but small.

"Hi beautiful!" I whispered.

My heart was racing so fast. I couldn't believe that this was happening right now. I was a dad!

"Dad, would you like to hold her?" Kate asked.

I nodded as Kate slowly transferred the baby to my pre-positioned hands. I gently bounced her in my arms as her eyelids fluttered.

"She's so perfect." I said to Madelyn, in awe of the absolute beauty she had. Her face was the same shape as Madelyn's, and I could already tell that she had siren eyes just like Madelyn. Maddie smiled.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now