Chapter 64

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Chase's POV:

1 Month Later

Madelyn and I were all settled into our new house. It was perfect and much bigger. We had furniture in all of the rooms except the nursery. We were going to go shopping soon to buy cribs, carseats, clothes, and everything else. I could tell that Madelyn was hesitant to buy anything. I assumed it was because of her miscarriage. She was probably still afraid of loosing them, so she didn't want to buy a ton of things yet.

Today was our last day of filming for OBX 3. It was emotional, but Maddie and I were kind of glad that it was over. We needed a break before the babies arrived, and Madelyn was tired.

The last day was really fun, but everyone cried a lot. Madelyn and I were on our way to the director Jonas' house for a dinner party with the whole cast and crew. Madelyn was wearing a long summery dress that put her bump on display. She hadn't showed her pregnancy much until now, her bump was getting really big.

"You look beautiful." I said.

"Thank you." She said with a coy smile as we were getting into the car.

"We might have to tell the fans soon." Madelyn said, pointing to her stomach.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because the press tour starts soon, and we won't be there." She replied. Press for season 3 was planned to start in a month, right before Maddie would give birth. Neither of us would be able to go which would probably confuse the fans and cause rumors.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. We'll tell the fans when you're ready, ok?" I reassured her. I didn't want Madelyn to be pressured into revealing why were absent from the interviews and videos.

We were greeted with hugs and hellos when we arrived at the party.

"I'd like to make a toast!" Jonas said once we were all seated at the table.

The room got quiet.

"I want to thank you guys. These past couple of months have been amazing, and I couldn't of pulled off this crazy show without every single one of you." He said while getting emotional.

We began to clink our glasses with everyone else's.

"I also want to give a shout out to Ms. Maddie Cline, or should I say Mrs. Cline Stokes...who filmed this whole season while being pregnant with twins! We're all rooting for you and can't wait to meet the babies." Jonas said.

Maddie blushed and smiled.

"Thank you, that means a lot. I know you'll all be amazing aunts and uncles to these little ones." She said.

Everyone cheered as I rubbed her belly. The next hour was great. We ate dinner, talked, laughed, and just enjoyed each others company.

I hadn't noticed that Madison and Madelyn went to the bathroom until I saw Madison emerge from the hallway motioning me over with a wave. I excused myself quietly, the party had died down significantly and most people were just hanging out in small groups around the house.

"Hey, what's up? Where's Mads?" I asked as I walked up to Madison.

She gave me a concerned look and I followed her down the hallway.

"Is she throwing up?" I asked. Madelyn had been fine all night, and hadn't experienced nausea in a few weeks, so this was unlikely.

We stopped outside the bathroom and Madison stood in front of the door.

"Maddie was good until a second ago. She can't communicate to me what's going on, but I think she's in pain. She's holding her stomach." Madison said worriedly.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now