Chapter 79

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Chase's POV: 

Maddie's friend Caro was arriving at the Charleston airport this afternoon. It was still a surprise, Madelyn had no idea. Usually we didn't really do surprises since Madelyn would get anxious. However, I knew she would appreciate it and love it anyway because it was Caro. Also, I thought Maddie would get more anxious if she knew she had to prepare for guests. It would be easier for her if Caro just showed up. I was still thinking of an excuse for what I was going to say when I had to pick her up from the airport. Normally, we would run errands together, so I was thinking I would pop out when both Maddie and the babies were down for a nap. It was still early in the morning and I didn't have to decide on anything just yet.

I woke up to an empty bed. The shower was running and the twins were quiet. I assumed Madelyn had fed them earlier. James' crib was still in our room and he laid there in his swaddle blanket, his eyes getting heavier with each blink. The shower stopped and Madelyn exited a few moments later in a small towel. She had a smile on her face, which surprised me, she was usually grumpy and sleepy in the mornings.

"Good morning." I said tiredly.

"Hi." She replied, her smile growing.

"What's making you so smiley?" I teased.

Madelyn sat down on the bed and adjusted the towel underneath her.

"I just got my period!" She exclaimed excitedly. Madelyn hadn't gotten her period in about a year because of the pregnancy and breastfeeding.

I laughed. "And you're happy about that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I feel like a normal person again. I do need tampons though." She replied. 

"You ok?" I posed, hoping her period wasn't going to take too much of a toll on her mood.

"I'm really good." She said with a genuine smile.

"Good, I love you Mads." I said.

"I love you too." Madelyn replied.

I loved seeing her smile, it made me so happy.

"Do you want me to run out and get some tampons for you?" I asked.

"No it's ok, we can do that later. I have a few pads." Maddie replied. 

That would be my excuse to get out of the house and pick up Caro. I smiled and looked into her eyes while placing my hand on her bare thigh. She gasped.

"Your hand is freezing!" Maddie exclaimed.

I laughed. "No it's not! Put some clothes on, you have goosebumps." I replied.

She leaned over and kissed my lips.

"See, your lips are cold!" I said, my nose still touching hers. 

Madelyn giggled and got up to put clothes on.

"Did you feed them earlier?" I asked.

"Yeah, like 20 minutes ago." She said from inside the closet.

As Maddie got ready for the day, I discreetly set up the guest bedroom. I then made breakfast for both of us and we ate together. Juliet began to cry and James was still awake but not fussing so I brought both of them downstairs. We relaxed both the rest of the morning and into the early afternoon.

I put the babies down for another nap and took the baby monitor downstairs with me. Madelyn was laying on the couch with her eyes closed.

"Mads." I whispered.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें