Chapter 48

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Madelyn's POV:

"You ok in there?" My mom asked after I had been in the bathroom for about 5 minutes.

"Yeah." I replied. I was sitting on the floor with my head in my palms. The two pregnancy tests were flipped face down on the counter. I was really nervous. I knew it would be good either way, and I knew Chase wanted a baby too, but I couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Maddie sweetie, do you need me to help you?" She asked.

I opened the door to my mom standing right outside.

"I'm still waiting for the results." I responded.

My mom reached in for a hug and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Are you sure you don't want to call Chase?" She asked.

I shook my head.

A few moments later, my phone started to ring. Coincidentally, it was Chase.

"It's Chase...what do I say?" I said to my mom as I began to panic.

"Just be honest." She said while stepping out of the bathroom to give me privacy.

"Hi babe. Bailey, Rudy and I are thinking of going out after we're done here. It'll probably only be another 30 minutes. Do you want to meet us somewhere for drinks or something?" Chase said quickly after I picked up the phone.

I paused for a moment.

"Mads?" Chase asked, questioning if I was still there.

"Um, yeah...I mean no." I said trying to find the words I needed.

"Are you ok?" He asked noticing my panicked tone.

"Can you come home? I need you." I finally admitted.

"Of course. What happened? Are you safe?" Chase asked.

"Yeah no, I'm ok. My mom's here right now." I replied.

"Ok, I'm on my way." Chase said.

I didn't want to tell Chase over the phone, so from that quick conversation, he definitely thought that I self harmed.

I heard the pregnancy test beep and my heart started racing. I exited the bathroom, leaving the tests on the counter.

"Chase is coming home." I told my mom.

"Ok, did you tell him?" She asked.

"Not yet." I said. "The tests are ready, but I don't want to turn them over." I finished.

"How about I go when Chase gets here and you two can look at the results together? It might be a good thing to do just the two of you." She proposed.

"Yeah, that might be good. I'm definitely calling you right after I find out though." I said.

I hugged my mom.

"I'm so proud of you, honey." She whispered.

"Thank you, I love you." I replied.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open.

"Maddie?" He called out in a worried tone.

My mom exited the room to greet Chase.

"Hey Pam, how are you? Is Mads ok?" He asked.

"Hi honey." My mom replied avoiding answering the questions.

Chase and Madelyn: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now