Love Again (Izuku X Miku Nakano) [BNHA X Go Toubun]

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Note: This is a sequel to "Hatsukoi".

"I'm so bored. I want to see Fuu-kun!!" Nino Nakano said, as she was on the sofa checking on her phone.

After the Kyoto trip, they had to go back to the condo, as the place they're renting in is closing, and their sister Ichika moved out to focus on her acting career.

It was a whiplash for them, as Ichika was their big sister. Even if she went on and betray their sister Miku during the Kyoto trip, she's still their big sister. So, her departure still hurts.

"What can we do? He's with Ichika right now." Itsuki Nakano replied, as she is reading a book. "He's tutoring her, and is convincing her to come back to school. So, you shouldn't bother him a lot."

"Says the one who kissed him at the end of the trip in front of the class." Nino retorted, as Itsuki was flabbergasted by the response.

"What?? It's just... It's just a kiss, you know??" Itsuki replied, as she was a blushing mess.

"Yeah, kiss to the lips. Well, let's forget that. What I'm more concerned of is Miku." Nino said, as she frowned when she mentioned her. She's aware of what happened during the trip, and Miku was hurt the most at what Ichika did.

But Itsuki just smiled, which made Nino confused.

"Why are you smiling?" Nino asked.

"Well, I won't worry about her, as I think she found someone who cares for her." Itsuki replied proudly, as she's the only one who's aware of what happened to Miku after she ran away. She still remember that kind individual who not only helped her sister, but also helped her sort out her feelings.

Nino just let out a sigh. She did questioned why Miku lost interest in Futaro. But, in the end, it's Miku's lost and her gain.

Speaking of Miku, she is at her room. She is smiling, as she's having a chat with someone.

"So, how are you and your sisters?" The person calling her asked. She just let out a smile, even if no one can see it.

"We're all fine. Ichika left the condo, and lived on her own so she can focus on her acting career. But, Fuutarou always goes to her apartment and stays with her. I don't know if they're dating or not, but I just hope they're happy. But as for me, I'm happy." Miku replied, as she's hugging her pillow. The Kyoto trip was a rollercoaster for her. But with the help of one particular person, she managed to enjoy it.

"How about you, Izuku? How are you?" She said. She's talking to Izuku Midoriya right now, the person that helped her enjoy the Kyoto trip. And the person that helped her move on from Fuutarou.

"I'm fine. Thanks to you, I finally talked to my ex again and we settled our differences. My talk with you during the Kyoto trip helped me a lot. So again, thank you." Izuku replied. Miku was surprised to hear this. She was aware that Izuku had a girlfriend, thanks to Itsuki, but she didn't expect that she helped Izuku on matters relating to his ex-girlfriend.

"Well, I don't know what I did, but you're welcome." Is all Miku replied. She is happy that she helped Izuku in some ways, even if she had no clue what she did.

In order to understand, let's go back to the Kyoto trip.


During the Kyoto trip

Izuku was walking in the halls, when suddenly, Itsuka Kendo appeared.

"Hi, Izuku." Itsuka greeted, as she waved her hands. She looked nervous, which made Izuku wonder why she showed up.

Izuku X Female Characters One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now