Mein Liebling (Izuku X Beatrix Amerhauser) [BNHA X Zom100]

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Note: This is set in the Zoom 100 universe. And also, no Quirks for Izuku

In the middle of the road, Beatrix Amerhauser is stuck. She's a former college student from Germany. She has blonde hair and turquoise colored eyes. She has a Japanese armor, but removes the top if she isn't engaging with zombies.

 She has a Japanese armor, but removes the top if she isn't engaging with zombies

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She travelled to Japan, just so she can eat sushi. But not only that, she just loves Japanese culture, and wanted to visit the country.

Sadly, she visited at the time when the zombie pandemic happened. And now, she's here, stuck. What's worst is that she is trying to deliver fish to the only sushi maker she could find.

"Damn, what should I do? I can take out these zombies, but how can I deliver the fish?" She thought, as she's losing options. She can take out the zombies, but the truck she's using to deliver the fish has its tires popped out.

As all hope seems lost, someone arrived.

She saw all the zombies getting eliminated. She was curious to see who it is, but is afraid that a zombie might attack on her. So, she wore the upper armor to protect her and went outside.

She was surprised to see someone who's waving at her.

"Hey!! Are you okay??" The individual shouted. It was a male. He has green hair and eyes, and has freckles on his cheeks.

Beatrix actually finds him cute. But she focused on looking around to see if there's any zombies nearby.

Once she saw there's no zombie on sight, she removed her upper armor.

"Thank you, kind man. I'm just fine." She replied happily, as she's thankful she met someone that's not a zombie. "May I know your name, kind stranger?"

"Izuku Midoriya. I was just driving by when I noticed the zombies attacking a truck. I was so glad I wasn't too late." The man, now named Izuku, replied. There were blood stains on his shirt, but there's no bites.

Beatrix was glad that the man is safe. But she then remembered that she had to deliver the fish.

Izuku noticed her worried expression, so he approached her.

"Hey miss, are you okay?" He asked.

Beatrix smiled, as she saw that Izuku has a kind heart. "Maybe he can help me achieve my goals."

She then composed herself and gave Izuku a warm smile.

"My name is Beatrix Amerhauser, kind man. I am from Germany that went here to Japan because it's my dream to go here. You see, I love Japanese culture. From places like Kyoto, to tea arrangements, and anything related to the country, I studied them all." Beatrix said, as she introduced herself to Izuku. She felt he has earned her trust to know her.

Izuku was amazed by Beatrix. "So that's why you have a Japanese armor. Thank you for having such high praise for my country."

Beatrix was happy that Izuku viewed her love for Japan as a positive thing. She usually get called a weeb, even though she doesn't understand the word. But she felt those people looked down on her for loving a different country.

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